TR7: tiny R7RS-small scheme interpreter ======================================= > "La perfection est atteinte, non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter, > mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer." > > -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -- > "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, > but when there is nothing left to take away." ************************************************************************* What is TR7? ------------ TR7 is a lightweight Scheme interpreter that implements the revision R7RS small of scheme programming language. It is meant to be used as an embedded scripting interpreter for other programs. A lot of functionality in TR7 is included conditionally, to allow developers freedom in balancing features and footprint. This version, v1.0, is the first implementing pseudo compiling of the code in order to improve performance and conformity to standard (Scheme is normally compiled). It is also the first version that enforce use of import. This version, 1.0.8, is complete and efficient. Though released with a ***WORK IN PROGRESS*** documentation. Effort is now put on documentation, so the next version, will have a good documentation. Stay tuned. For the known issues, see Links ----- For TR7: - **Home** at - **Download TR7** at - **Report of issue** at - **Mailing list**: Scheme: - **R7RS-small**: - **SRFI**: - **R7RS benchmark**: Alternatives: - **GNU guile**: - **S7**: - **Implementations**: - **Comparison**: Very quick start ---------------- ### get the sources To get the source code either use `git` or download the latest version. Using `git`: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > git clone > cd tr7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using `curl` and `tar` for latest commits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > URL= > curl $URL | tar zx > cd tr7-v1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### compile tr7i To compile TR7 you need: - a C compiler - optionaly, `make` or `bmake` Compile using `make` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > make ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compile directly with your compiler `CC` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > CC -I. -o tr7i examples/tr7i.c tr7.c -lm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### run TR7's REPL The program implementing REPL is `tr7i`. It's source code is in `examples/tr7i.c`. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > ./tr7i Tiny R7RS interpreter TR7 1.0.3 tr7> (features) (r7rs tr7-use-math tr7-srfi-136 tr7-trace tr7-debug tr7) tr7> (exit) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Content and building -------------------- The main directory contains: file/dir | description -------------------|--------------------------------------------- README.txt | this text COPYING | BSD-0 license TODO | note of what is to be done Makefile | the make file r7rs.pdf | R7RS small specification tr7.c | the scheme engine TR7 tr7.h | header for using the scheme engine tr7libs/ | some available libraries (see below) tr7libs/srfi | some available SRFI (see below) tr7libs/scheme | some available scheme libraries (see below) tests/ | some tests examples/ | some examples examples/tr7i.c | standalone scheme REPL program using the engine examples/demo-c.c | demo of integration of TR7 in C programs Compilation can be done using `make` or `bmake`. The targets of the `Makefile` are: Target | description ----------------|------------------------------------- all | makes tr7i and libtr7.a tr7i | a tiny scheme interpreter using the engine libtr7.a | static library containing the engine | dynamic library containing the engine test | make tr7i and run default tests on it tr7.html | make html page using [markdeep]( demo-c | make the C integration demo program clean | remove any generated files When compiling TR7, some libraries or parts of the code can be removed or added using C pre-processor defines. For example, for removing `(scheme lazy)` the macro `USE_SCHEME_LAZY` must be set to `0`. This is achieved by adding the option `-DUSE_SCHEME_LAZY=0`. When using `make`, the `Makefile` defines variables for tuning the build. These variables are: variable | description ---------|------------- SFLAGS | source conformity flags GFLAGS | generation flags WFLAGS | warming flags OFLAGS | optimisation/debug flags DFLAGS | debugging flags FFLAGS | feature flags EFLAGS | extra flags LDFLAGS | linker flags So for example, the following command: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > NOTR7="-DUSE_TR7_EXTENSION=0 -DUSE_TR7_EXTENSION=0" > NOTR7="$NOTR7 -DUSE_TR7_GC=0 -DUSE_TR7_TRACE=0 -DUSE_TR7_DEBUG=0" > make FFLAGS="$NOTR7" OFLAGS=-Os EFLAGS="-Wl,--strip-all" -B tr7i > ls -l tr7i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ removes all TR7 specific features, compiles optimizing the size and strip all symbols. Scheme Reference ---------------- TR7 fully implements R7RS small (see `r7rs.pdf` file or [r7rs-small]( R7RS doesn't enforce the following features that are currently missing: - immutable pairs - big integers: to be implemented. Because it is not implemented, the arithmetic on integer is limited. At the moment, arithmetic is wrapping around. Detection of overflows is possible on option but the treatment of everflows is to use doubles, not integers - rationals: to be implemented Use `(cond-expand ((ratios) ...` for checking. - complex numbers: to be implemented Use `(cond-expand ((library (scheme complex)) ...` for checking - implementation of exactness is basic: double versus int. - jiffies precision is 1 second Help wanted for improving the accuracy on Windows(c) If something seems to be missing or buggy, please use gitlab's [tracker]( TR7 has a built-in implementation of [SRFI-136]( Current builtin libraries from R7RS-small and other: library | availabitlity ----------------------------|------------------------------ (scheme base) | always (scheme case-lambda) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_CASE_LAMBDA=0 (scheme char) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_CHAR=0 (scheme complex) | no, not at the moment (scheme cxr) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_CXR=0 (scheme eval) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_EVAL=0 (scheme file) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_FILE=0 (scheme inexact) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_INEXACT=0 (scheme lazy) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_LAZY=0 (scheme load) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_LOAD=0 (scheme process-context) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_PROCESS_CONTEXT=0 (scheme read) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_READ=0 (scheme repl) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_REPL=0 (scheme time) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_TIME=0 (scheme write) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_WRITE=0 (scheme box) | yes except if USE_SCHEME_BOX=0 (srfi 136) | yes except if USE_SRFI_136=0 (tr7 extra) | yes except if USE_TR7_EXTRA=0 (tr7 environment) | yes except if USE_TR7_EXTENSION=0 (tr7 extension) | no except if USE_TR7_EXTENSION is not 0 (tr7 gc) | yes except if USE_TR7_GC=0 (tr7 trace) | yes except if USE_TR7_TRACE=0 (tr7 debug) | yes except if USE_TR7_DEBUG=0 TR7 also provides some utility libraries in the directory `tr7libs`. library | description -----------------|------------------------------------ (srfi 1) | lists library, [SRFI-1]( (srfi 69) | basic hash tables, [SRFI-69]( (srfi 111) | boxes, [SRFI-111]( (scheme list) | lists library, equals (srfi 1), R7RS-large (scheme box) | boxes library, equals (srfi 111), R7RS-large (but also builtin see above) (scheme r5rs) | compatibility to R5RS, from R7RS-small (not built-in) Programmer's Reference ---------------------- The source code **examples/tr7i.c** can be used as a demo of integration. The interpreter state is initialized with 'tr7_engine_create'. Custom memory allocation routines can be installed by filling the data of a 'tr7_config_t' structure passed to 'tr7_engine_create'. Files can be loaded with 'tr7_load_file'. Strings containing Scheme code can be loaded with 'tr7_load_string'. The interpreter state should be deinitialized with 'tr7_engine_destroy' The source code **examples/c.c** is showing usage of some function of the c interface. It can be comiled with make: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh > make demo-c > ./demo-c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Foreign Functions ----------------- The user can add to the current scheme environment callable procedures writen in C (or accessible through C). For example, the function `square` that squares its argument can be writen as below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c tr7_C_return_t square(tr7_engine_t tsc, int nargs, tr7_t *args, void *closure) { double x = tr7_to_double(args[0]); tr7_t result = tr7_from_double(tsc, x*x); return tr7_C_return_single(tsc, result); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These C functions are defined using structures of type `tr7_C_func_def_t` as below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c static const tr7_C_func_def_t cexports[] = { ... { .name = "square", /* name of the function */ .func = square, /* pointer to the function */ .closure = NULL, /* closure to the function */ .typeargs = TR7ARG_STRING, /* description of arguments' types */ .min_args = 1, /* minimal argument count */ .max_args = 1 /* maximal argument count */ }, ... }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The valid count of arguments must be given and, optionaly, their expected types can also be described. These values are checked and the function is called only if the effective arguments are matching the criterium. Otherwise an error is raised. The C functions are added to the current environment using the function `tr7_register_C_functions` as below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c static void init(tr7_engine_t tsc) { ... tr7_register_C_functions(tsc, cexports, sizeof cexports / sizeof *cexports); ... } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DLLs/shared-objects dynamically loaded when **USE_TR7_EXTENSION** is set to 1 must contain a static array of `tr7_C_func_def_t` (as `cexports` above) named `_tr7_C_functions_` and whose last element's name is NULL. tr7i ---- `tr7i` is the main example of embedding TR7 engine. It just wrap argument processing on top of TR7's REPL. When called with `-?` it gives the following help: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sh $ ./tr7i -? Usage: ./tr7i -? or: ./tr7i [ ...] followed by -1 [ ...] -c [ ...] Use - as filename for stdin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `-1` flag is meant for #! usage in shell scripts. If you specify ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ scheme #! /somewhere/tr7i -1 ;; here my scheme program, example: (import (scheme process-context) (scheme write)) (write (command-line)) (newline) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ then `tr7i` will be called to process the file. On the example, it echoes its arguments. See *examples/my-args*. The `-c` flag permits execution of arbitrary Scheme code. The following environment variables are understood by `tr7i`: variable | meaning -----------------|------------------------------------------ TR7_PATH | path for 'load' and fallback path TR7_LIB_PATH | path for importing libraries TR7_INC_PATH | path for including files TR7_EXT_PATH | path for 'load-extension' TR7_PROMPT | string of the prompt (default is "tr7> ") TR7 libraries ------------- Some available extra features specific to TR7 are listed below. Note that because of the youth of TR7, these extra features may change in later versions. ### library (tr7 extra) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (car+cdr PAIR) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the values of car and cdr of PAIR (see srfi-1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (length* LIST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return -1 if circular list, a positive or null value for proper lists, and for dotted-lists, -1 minus the count of pairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (append-reverse LIST TAIL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equivalent to `(append (reverse LIST) TAIL)` (see srfi-1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (append-reverse! LIST TAIL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equivalent to `(append! (reverse! LIST) TAIL)` (see srfi-1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (cons* ELT1 ELT2 ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like `list`, but the last argument provides the tail of the constructed list (see srfi-1) ### library (tr7 environment) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (environment? ANY) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is ANY an environment? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (defined? SYMBOL [ENV]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is SYMBOL attached to a value in ENV (current environment by default) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (symbols-set) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ list of known symbols ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (current-environment) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the current environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-environment->list [ENV [DEPTH]]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ list the symbols of the environment ENV (current environment by default) until the DEPTH (zero or default means as much as possible) ### library (tr7 extension) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (load-extension STRING [LIBNAME]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ loads the shared library of path STRING in the library designed by LIBNAME. here the default libname is "tr7/foreigns" that can be imported using `(import (tr7 foreign))` ### library (tr7 gc) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-gc [VERBOSE]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ performs a garbage collection makes it verbosely if VERBOSE is given and not #f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-gc-verbose [VERBOSE]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if VERBOSE is given, set GC verbosity to its value returns the value of GC verbosity before the new setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (new-segment [COUNT]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ allocates COUNT segments (1 if not COUNT is given) to the memory pool ### library (tr7 trace) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-tracing NUM) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ activates tracing if num is not 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-show-prompt [BOOL]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ without argument, return the current show-prompt status with an argument, set the show-prompt status and return the previous one when show-prompt is set to true, the is shown before reading the s-expr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-show-eval [BOOL]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ without argument, return the current show-eval status with an argument, set the show-eval status and return the previous one when show-eval is set to true, the s-expr evaluated is shown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-show-compile [BOOL]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ without argument, return the current show-compile status with an argument, set the show-compile status and return the previous one when show-compile is set to true, the compiled code is shown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-show-result [BOOL]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ without argument, return the current show-result status with an argument, set the show-result status and return the previous one when show-result is set to true, the result code is shown ### library (tr7 debug) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-call-stack) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ returns a representation of the current calling stack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (tr7-exec-stack) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ returns a representation of the current execution stack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scheme (error-object-stack ERROR) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ returns a representation of the stack when the error occured ***************************************************************************** TR7.H ===== This header comes with tr7, a tiny scheme interpreter. SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD C++ programmer MUST include that file in an export "C" { ... } section! Summary of conventions used: - names in upper case only are macro, so use it, but with caution because pre/post increments might have unexpected effect - names with capital (upper case first letters) are enumerations - names starting with 'tr7_' are public functions and types - names ending with '_t' are types from typedef ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #ifndef _TR7_H #define _TR7_H #include #include #include ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Default values of TR7_EXPORT used for exporting symbols. When compiling for static library or for unix/bsd systems, there is no need to define TR7_EXPORT that is by default defined to `extern`. If you are compiling for windows, you may need to TR7_EXPORT as either: - __declspec(dllexport) when creating/compiling the DLL - __declspec(dllimport) when compiling the client program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #ifndef TR7_EXPORT #define TR7_EXPORT extern #endif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining tr7_t types -------------------- The basic public type exposed by TR7 is tr7_t. TR7 manages many different kind of values: characters, atoms, strings, numbers, pairs, ... To achieve it, the most important types for TR7 are: tr7_t, tr7_pair_t, tr7_cell_t, tr7_double_t Within TR7, tr7_pair_t is a pointer to a pair (a pair in the common scheme meaning, i.e. a pair of values). A tr7_cell_t is a pointer to one of the internal data used by tr7. A tr7_double_t is a pointer to a double. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef double *tr7_double_t; typedef intptr_t tr7_int_t; typedef uintptr_t tr7_uint_t; typedef unsigned int tr7_char_t; /* (internal substitute to wint_t) */ typedef struct tr7_pair *tr7_pair_t; typedef union tr7_cell *tr7_cell_t; typedef struct tr7_engine *tr7_engine_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining `tr7_t` --------------- A `tr7_t` value is a pointer with encoded low bits, a common technic to save memory and bits. And saving memory and bits a good thing no? The bad thing is that in most cases accessing the memory referenced directly using the pointer is just not possible! For that reason, defining `tr7_t` as a pointer is a bad idea. So tr7_t is defined as a signed integer of the size of a pointer. But using integer instead of pointers can be an issue when debugging internals of TR7. TODO: facilities for debugging using C debugger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef intptr_t tr7_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Define `TR7WIDTH` the count of bits of tr7_t values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #if INTPTR_MAX == INT64_MAX #define TR7WIDTH 64 #elif INTPTR_MAX == INT32_MAX #define TR7WIDTH 32 #else #error "unexpected size for pointers" #endif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Managing to cast pointer and integer is obvious in assembly language and easy in C. But to enlight the code, improve its resilience and allow to have pointers to cells instead of integers, the below macros are used to cast: - `TR72I(t)`: casts a tr7_t value `t` to a intptr_t value - `I2TR7(i)`: casts a intptr_t value `i` to a tr7_t value - `TR72U(t)`: casts a tr7_t value `t` to a uintptr_t value - `U2TR7(u)`: casts a uintptr_t value `u` to a tr7_t value - `TR7EQ(a,b)`: returns a boolean value true if `a` == `b` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR72I(t) ((intptr_t)(t)) #define I2TR7(i) ((tr7_t)(intptr_t)(i)) #define TR72U(t) ((uintptr_t)(t)) #define U2TR7(u) ((tr7_t)(uintptr_t)(u)) #define TR7EQ(a,b) ((a) == (b)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Comparison with `tr7_eq` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_eq(tr7_t a, tr7_t b); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_eq` is equivalent to the *Scheme* predicat `eq?`. It returns a non zero value when `a` and `b` are equals for `eq?`. It can compare small integers, characters, booleans and empty list. The function `tr7_eq` uses internal the C macro `TR7EQ` but it can be used as a callback or it can ensure arguments are not expanded more than one time. ### Comparison with `tr7_eqv` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_eqv(tr7_t a, tr7_t b); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_eqv` is equivalent to the *Scheme* predicat `eqv?`. It returns a non zero value when `a` and `b` are equals for `eqv?`. ### Comparison with `tr7_equal` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_equal(tr7_t a, tr7_t b); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_equal` is equivalent to the *Scheme* predicat `equal?`. It returns a non zero value when `a` and `b` are equals for `equal?`. ### Testing immutability, `tr7_is_immutable` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_immutable(tr7_t t); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_is_immutable` returns 1 if the value `t` is immutable and return 0 if `t` is mutable. !!! CAUTION only strings, vectors, bytevectors and records can be immutable in current and previous versions of TR7. ### Setting immutability, `tr7_set_immutable` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_immutable(tr7_t t); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make the value `t` immutable. !!! CAUTION only strings, vectors, bytevectors and records can be immutable in current and previous versions of TR7. ***************************************************************************** Defining `TR7_VOID` ------------------- The special value `TR7_VOID` is intended to represent an invalid value of TR7. On purpose, its value is equal or equivalent to the C value `NULL`. The value `TR7_VOID` is used internally for indicating a non-value value (or an undefined value). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_VOID I2TR7(0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This macro test equality to `TR7_VOID`: - `TR7_IS_VOID(t)`: returns true if `t` is the predefined `TR7_VOID` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_VOID(t) TR7EQ(t, TR7_VOID) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining TR7's pointer tagging ------------------------------ As written above, `tr7_t` use the lower bits of a pointer compatible integer to encode the kind of data it represent. A technic known as pointer tagging. The count of bits used for tags is fixed to 3 as shown below: ****************************************************************** * <---- 29 or 61 upper bits ----> 2 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_t | | | | | | | x x x | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ ****************************************************************** Using 3 bits is not worrying on 64 bits processors because the natural alignemnt of pointers is 8 bytes, implying that the 3 least significants bits are 0. However, on 32 bits processors, the natural alignment of 4 bytes let only 2 least significant bits. But tr7 takes care of that issue and ensures that underlying pointers are aligned on 8 bytes boundaries. Note that the alignement on 8 byte is natural for doubles but not guaranteed. But take care of it if you intend to forge your own tr7_t values. This is in fact described by the values below: - `TR7_WIDTH_TAG`: witdth of the tag in count of bits: 3 - `TR7_ALIGNMENT`: the required alignament - `TR7_MASK_TAG`: mask returning the tag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_WIDTH_TAG 3 #define TR7_ALIGNMENT (1 << (TR7_WIDTH_TAG)) #define TR7_MASK_TAG (TR7_ALIGNMENT - 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!! Tip The above definitions are respecting a rule in naming for TR7: the width or the mask prefixes the name attributed. Then the name can be used as prefix for its values, as below For `TR7_WIDTH_TAG` = 3, a tr7 value is made of: - a tag on its 3 lower bits - a value on its 29 or 61 upper bits To help manipulating TR7 values the following macro are defined. - `TR7_TAG(t)`: returns a `intptr_t` equals to the tag of tr7 value `t` - `TR7_IS_TAG(t,k)`: return true if tag of tr7 value `t` is `k` - `TR7_MAKE_EQ(v,k)`: make a tr7 of tag `k` and value `v` not shifted. it is asserted that `0 == TR7_TAG(v)` !!! WARNING for TR7_MAKE_EQ the 3 lower bits of v MUST be zero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_TAG(t) (TR72I(t) & TR7_MASK_TAG) #define TR7_IS_TAG(t,k) (TR7_TAG(t) == (k)) #define TR7_MAKE_EQ(v,k) I2TR7((intptr_t)(v) | (intptr_t)(k)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When interpreting the meaning of a `tr7_t` value, it is may worth to distinguish between values that must be shifted and values that dont must not be shifted. Pointers must not be shifted, while integrals should generaly be shifted. For this reason and maybe some other, the tags are partionned in two sets, using the lowest bit: the set of tagged pointers and the set of tagged integrals. ****************************************************************** * <--- 29 or 61 upper bits ----> 2 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tagged pointers | | | | | | | x x 0 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tagged integrals | | | | | | | x x 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ ****************************************************************** The lower bit tells if the value is a pointer or not. If lower bit is 0 this is a pointer If lower bit is 1 the value is not a pointer This is in fact described by the values below: - `TR7_WIDTH_PTR`: witdth of the pointer's tag in count of bits: 1 - `TR7_MASK_PTR`: mask returning the pointer's tag - `TR7_TAG_PTR`: value of the pointer's tag identifying pointers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_WIDTH_PTR 1 #define TR7_MASK_PTR 001 #define TR7_TAG_PTR 000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating pointers are: - `TR7_IS_PTR(t)`: returns a boolean true if the tr7 value `t` is a pointer - `TR7_IS_PTR_TAG(t,k)`: returns true if the tr7 value `t` is of tag `k` and not `NULL` - `TR7_TO_PTR(t,k)`: returns the void* given by the tr7 value `t` of tag `k` - `TR7_AS_PTR(t,k)`: returns the void* given by the tr7 value `t` if of the given tag `k`, or otherwise returns NULL - `TR7_FROM_PTR(p,k)`: returns the tr7_t value for the pointer `p` of tag `k` !!! WARNING for `TR7_TO_PTR` the 3 lower bits of `p` MUST of tag `k` otherwise the result is undefined. This is because removing the tag is done using substraction that does not require neither "and not" instruction nor correct size of values. !!! WARNING for `TR7_FROM_PTR` the 3 lower bits of `p` MUST be zero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_PTR(t) ((TR72I(t) & TR7_MASK_PTR) == TR7_TAG_PTR) #define TR7_IS_PTR_TAG(t,k) (TR7_IS_TAG(t,k) && ((k) || (t))) #define TR7_TO_PTR(t,k) ((void*)(TR72I(t)-(k))) #define TR7_AS_PTR(t,k) (TR7_TAG(t) == (k) ? TR7_TO_PTR(t,k) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_PTR(p,k) TR7_MAKE_EQ(p,k) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The basic dichotomy between tagged pointers and tagged integrals is then refined as below: **Tagged pointers** ****************************************************************** * <--- 29 or 61 upper bits ----> 2 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_pair_t | | | | | | | 0 0 0 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_cell_t | | | | | | | 0 1 0 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_double_t | | | | | | | 1 0 0 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * SPARE POINTER | | | | | | | 1 1 0 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ ****************************************************************** **Tagged integrals** ******************************************************************* * <--- 29 or 61 upper bits ----> 2 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_int_t even | | | | | | | 0 0 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * SPECIALS | | | | | | | 0 1 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_int_t odd | | | | | | | 1 0 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * SPARE INTEGRAL | | | | | | | 1 1 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ ******************************************************************* This leads to the attribution of tags below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_TAG_PAIR 000 /* pointer to a pair or NIL */ #define TR7_TAG_EINT 001 /* even integers */ #define TR7_TAG_CELL 002 /* pointer to a cell */ #define TR7_TAG_SPECIAL 003 /* special cases */ #define TR7_TAG_DOUBLE 004 /* pointer to a double */ #define TR7_TAG_OINT 005 /* odd integers (must be 4 + `TR7_TAG_EINT`) */ #define TR7_TAG_SPARE1 006 /* spare pointer */ #define TR7_TAG_SPARE2 007 /* spare value */ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining basic integers ----------------------- Integers use 2 tags, this let one more bit for encoding integer values, leading integer values of 30 or 62 bits depending on the target. For this reason, the equality 4 == `TR7_TAG_OINT` - `TR7_TAG_EINT` must be kept. For performance, it is needed to define a sub class of tr7_t that merge the two integer tags. The idea is to implement the following schema: ******************************************************************* * <----- 30 or 62 upper bits ------> 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * tr7_int_t | | | | | | | | 0 | 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ ******************************************************************* This is in fact described by the values below: - `TR7_WIDTH_INT`: witdth of the integer's tag in count of bits: 2 - `TR7_MASK_INT`: mask returning the integer's tag - `TR7_TAG_INT`: value of the integer's tag identifying integers - `TR7_INT_WIDTH`: significant count of bits for the integer's values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_WIDTH_INT 2 #define TR7_MASK_INT 003 #define TR7_TAG_INT 001 #define TR7_INT_WIDTH (TR7WIDTH - TR7_WIDTH_INT) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Macros for manipulating integers are: - `TR7_IS_INT(t)`: returns a boolean true if the tr7 value `t` is `tr7_(u)int_t` - `TR7_TO_INT(t)`: returns the `tr7_int_t` value of the tr7 value `t` - `TR7_FROM_INT(i)`: returns the `tr7_t` value for the `tr7_int_t` `i` - `TR7_TO_UINT(t)`: returns the `tr7_uint_t` value of the tr7 value `t` - `TR7_FROM_UINT(u)`: returns the `tr7_t` value for the `tr7_uint_t` `u` NOTE: the system doesn't provide a way to distinguish between signed and unsigned version of the wrapped integer. So it should be given by the context. Without context, signed integer is the default. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_INT(t) ((TR72I(t) & TR7_MASK_INT) == TR7_TAG_INT) #define TR7_TO_UINT(t) (((tr7_uint_t)TR72I(t)) >> TR7_WIDTH_INT) #define TR7_FROM_UINT(u) TR7_MAKE_EQ(((tr7_uint_t)(u)) << TR7_WIDTH_INT, \ TR7_TAG_INT) #define TR7_TO_INT(t) (((tr7_int_t)TR72I(t)) >> TR7_WIDTH_INT) #define TR7_FROM_INT(i) TR7_FROM_UINT((tr7_int_t)(i)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Macros returning integer's limits The limits of the integer in that system are: - `TR7_INT_MAX`: maximum signed integer value for full type tr7_int_t - `TR7_INT_MIN`: minimum signed integer value for full type tr7_int_t - `TR7_UINT_MAX`: maximum unsigned integer value for full type tr7_uint_t - `TR7_INT_MAX_VAL`: maximum signed integer value - `TR7_INT_MIN_VAL`: minimum signed integer value - `TR7_UINT_MAX_VAL`: maximum unsigned integer value ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_INT_MAX INTPTR_MAX #define TR7_INT_MIN INTPTR_MIN #define TR7_UINT_MAX UINTPTR_MAX #define TR7_INT_MAX_VAL (TR7_INT_MAX >> TR7_WIDTH_INT) #define TR7_INT_MIN_VAL (TR7_INT_MIN >> TR7_WIDTH_INT) #define TR7_UINT_MAX_VAL (TR7_UINT_MAX >> TR7_WIDTH_INT) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macro for checking if an integer value fits the integer encoding - `TR7_FIT_INT(x)`: return true if TR7_INT_MIN <= x <= TR7_INT_MAX - `TR7_FIT_UINT(x)`: return true if 0 <= x <= TR7_UINT_MAX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #if TR7_WIDTH_INT == 2 #define TR7_FIT_INT(x) (((x) ^ ((x) << 1)) >= 0) #else #define TR7_FIT_INT(x) (0 == (((x) ^ ((tr7_int_t)(x) >> 1)) >> TR7_INT_WIDTH) #endif #define TR7_FIT_UINT(x) (0 == ((x) >> TR7_INT_WIDTH)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions for manipulating integers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_integer(tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_from_int(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_int_t value); TR7_EXPORT tr7_int_t tr7_to_int(tr7_t item); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_is_integer` test if `item` is a TR7 integer and returns 1 if it is the case and 0 otherwise. The function `tr7_from_int` returns the tr7_t instance for the integer of 'value'. The function `tr7_to_int` returns the tr7_int_t value of the 'item'. It assumes that 'item' is a TR7 integer. ***************************************************************************** Defining doubles ---------------- Doubles values are presented by pointers to a double. Such pointer are normally aligned on 8 bytes boundaries, leading to pointer having their 3 lower bits nul. But take care the pointer MUST have its 3 lower bits nul! ### Macros for manipulating reals, `tr7_t` value wraps a pointer to a double - `TR7_IS_DOUBLE(t)`: returns a boolean true if the tr7 value `t` wraps a `tr7_double_t` - `TR7_TO_DOUBLE(t)`: returns the `tr7_double_t` of the tr7 value `t` - `TR7_AS_DOUBLE(t)`: returns the `tr7_double_t` of the tr7 value `t` if of the kind real, or otherwise, if t isn't a real, returns `NULL` - `TR7_FROM_DOUBLE(p)`: returns the `tr7_t` value for the `tr7_double_t` `p` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_DOUBLE(t) TR7_IS_PTR_TAG(t,TR7_TAG_DOUBLE) #define TR7_TO_DOUBLE(t) ((tr7_double_t)TR7_TO_PTR(t,TR7_TAG_DOUBLE)) #define TR7_AS_DOUBLE(t) ((tr7_double_t)TR7_AS_PTR(t,TR7_TAG_DOUBLE)) #define TR7_FROM_DOUBLE(p) TR7_FROM_PTR(p,TR7_TAG_DOUBLE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions for manipulating doubles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_from_double(tr7_engine_t tsc, double value); TR7_EXPORT double tr7_to_double(tr7_t item); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_from_double` returns the tr7_t instance for the double of 'value'. The function `tr7_to_double` returns the double value of the 'item'. It assumes that 'item' is a TR7 number. ***************************************************************************** Defining specials ----------------- The kind "special" (TR7_TAG_SPECIAL) is subdivided in 4 sub kinds called "very special cases" and noted kind of VSP. VSP are used to encode NIL, booleans, eof, procedure, syntaxes and characters The 4 VSP are defined by taking the 2 least significant bits of the value of specials. The idea is to implement the following schema: ******************************************************************* * <- 27 or 59 bits -> 4 3 2 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+ * | | | | x x | SPECIAL | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+ * constants | | | | 0 0 | 0 1 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+ * characters | | | | 0 1 | 0 1 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+ * internals | | | | 1 0 | 0 1 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+ * SPARE VSP | | | | 1 1 | 0 1 1 | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+ ******************************************************************* To improve computing, the 5 lower bits of `tr7_t` items are treated altogether. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_WIDTH_VSP (2 + TR7_WIDTH_TAG) #define TR7_MASK_VSP (030 | TR7_MASK_TAG ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating very specials are: - `TR7_TAG_VSP(k)`: returns the VSP tag of the for the VSP kind `k` - `TR7_VSP_TAG(t)`: returns the VSP tag of a `tr7_t` `t` - `TR7_IS_VSP(k,t)`: returns true if the `tr7_t` `t` is a VSP of kind `k` - `TR7_VSP_VALUE(t)`: returns the signed value of a special `tr7_t` `t` - `TR7_VSP_UVALUE(t)`: returns the unsigned value of a special `tr7_t` `t` - `TR7_MAKE_VSP(k,v)`: returns a special `tr7_t` of kind `k` and value `v` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_TAG_VSP(k) (((k) << TR7_WIDTH_TAG) | TR7_TAG_SPECIAL) #define TR7_VSP_TAG(t) (TR72I(t) & TR7_MASK_VSP) #define TR7_IS_VSP(k,t) (TR7_VSP_TAG(t) == TR7_TAG_VSP(k)) #define TR7_VSP_VALUE(t) (TR72I(t) >> TR7_WIDTH_VSP) #define TR7_VSP_UVALUE(t) (TR72U(t) >> TR7_WIDTH_VSP) #define TR7_MAKE_VSP(k,v) I2TR7(((intptr_t)(v) << TR7_WIDTH_VSP) \ | (intptr_t)TR7_TAG_VSP(k)) #define TR7_VSP_VALUE_MAX (INTPTR_MAX >> TR7_WIDTH_VSP) #define TR7_VSP_UVALUE_MAX (UINTPTR_MAX >> TR7_WIDTH_VSP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attribution of very special numbers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_VSP_CONSTANT 0 /* constants */ #define TR7_VSP_CHARACTER 1 /* character */ #define TR7_VSP_INTERNAL 2 /* internal */ #define TR7_VSP_SPARE 3 /* spare */ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check the kind of the special - `TR7_IS_CONSTANT(t)`: returns true if `t` is a VSP constant - `TR7_IS_CHARACTER(t)`: returns true if `t` is a character - `TR7_IS_INTERNAL(t)`: returns true if `t` is a VSP internal - `TR7_IS_SPARE(t)`: returns true if `t` is a VSP SPARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_CONSTANT(t) TR7_IS_VSP(TR7_VSP_CONSTANT,(t)) #define TR7_IS_CHARACTER(t) TR7_IS_VSP(TR7_VSP_CHARACTER,(t)) #define TR7_IS_INTERNAL(t) TR7_IS_VSP(TR7_VSP_INTERNAL,(t)) #define TR7_IS_SPARE(t) TR7_IS_VSP(TR7_VSP_SPARE,(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** The VSP kind VSP_CONSTANT ------------------------- It is used to encode some well known constants: - `TR7_NIL`: NIL value is used for `'()` the empty list - `TR7_FALSE`: the boolean value #false - `TR7_TRUE`: the boolean value #true - `TR7_EOF`: the EOF (end-of-file) mark ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_NIL TR7_MAKE_VSP(TR7_VSP_CONSTANT,0) #define TR7_FALSE TR7_MAKE_VSP(TR7_VSP_CONSTANT,1) #define TR7_TRUE TR7_MAKE_VSP(TR7_VSP_CONSTANT,2) #define TR7_EOF TR7_MAKE_VSP(TR7_VSP_CONSTANT,3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating VSP kind VSP_INTERNAL are: - `TR7_IS_NIL(t)`: returns true if `t` is the predefined `TR7_NIL` - `TR7_IS_FALSE(t)`: returns true if `t` is the predefined `TR7_FALSE` - `TR7_IS_TRUE(t)`: returns true if `t` is the predefined `TR7_TRUE` - `TR7_IS_BOOLEAN(t)`: returns true if `t` is `TR7_TRUE` or `TR7_FALSE` - `TR7_IS_EOF(t)`: returns true if `t` is the predefined `TR7_EOF` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_NIL(t) TR7EQ(t,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_IS_FALSE(t) TR7EQ(t, TR7_FALSE) #define TR7_IS_TRUE(t) TR7EQ(t, TR7_TRUE) #define TR7_IS_BOOLEAN(t) (TR7_IS_FALSE(t) || TR7_IS_TRUE(t)) #define TR7_IS_EOF(t) TR7EQ(t, TR7_EOF) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** The VSP kind VSP_CHARACTER -------------------------- It is used to encode characters. The wrapped value is unsigned. Macros for manipulating VSP of this kind are: - `TR7_IS_CHAR(t)`: returns true is tr7_t `t` wraps a characters - `TR7_TO_CHAR(t)`: returns the tr7_char_t character wrapped by tr7_t `t` - `TR7_FROM_CHAR(c)`: returns a tr7_t wrapping the tr7_char_t `c` - `TR7_CHAR_MAX`: maximum character code point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_CHAR(t) TR7_IS_CHARACTER(t) #define TR7_TO_CHAR(t) ((tr7_char_t)TR7_VSP_UVALUE(t)) #define TR7_FROM_CHAR(c) TR7_MAKE_VSP(TR7_VSP_CHARACTER,c) #define TR7_CHAR_MAX (TR7_VSP_UVALUE_MAX > UINT_MAX ? UINT_MAX \ : TR7_VSP_UVALUE_MAX) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions for manipulating characters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_character(tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_from_character(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_char_t value); TR7_EXPORT tr7_char_t tr7_to_character(tr7_t item); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_is_character` test if `item` is a TR7 character and returns 1 if it is the case and 0 otherwise. The function `tr7_from_character` returns the tr7_t instance for the character of 'value'. The function `tr7_to_character` returns the character value of the 'item'. It assumes that 'item' is a TR7 character. ***************************************************************************** Defining tr7_pair_t ------------------- A pair is a simple structure having 2 fields: car and cdr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C struct tr7_pair { tr7_t cdr; /* the CDR */ tr7_t car; /* the CAR */ }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Macros for manipulating pairs from tr7_pair_t values - `TR7_PAIR_CAR(p)`: returns the tr7_t car of the tr7_pair_t `p` - `TR7_PAIR_CDR(p)`: returns the tr7_t cdr of the tr7_pair_t `p` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_PAIR_CAR(p) (p)->car #define TR7_PAIR_CDR(p) (p)->cdr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Macros for manipulating pairs from tr7_t values. - `TR7_IS_PAIR(t)`: returns a boolean true if the tr7 value `t` points a pair - `TR7_TO_PAIR(t)`: returns the tr_pair_t (pointer to pair) of the tr7 value `t` - `TR7_AS_PAIR(t)`: returns the tr7_pair_t of the tr7 value `t` if of the kind pair, or otherwise, if `t` isn't a pair, returns `NULL` - `TR7_FROM_PAIR(p)`: returns the tr7_t value for the pointer `p` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_PAIR(t) TR7_IS_PTR_TAG(t,TR7_TAG_PAIR) #define TR7_TO_PAIR(t) ((tr7_pair_t)TR7_TO_PTR(t,TR7_TAG_PAIR)) #define TR7_AS_PAIR(t) ((tr7_pair_t)TR7_AS_PTR(t,TR7_TAG_PAIR)) #define TR7_FROM_PAIR(p) TR7_FROM_PTR(p,TR7_TAG_PAIR) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Macros `TR7_CXR` Level 1 helper macros for accessing pairs. !!! WARNING !Unsafe! These macros are not checking anything Use `tr7_cXr_or_void` functions when safety is required. - `TR7_CAR(t)`: returns the tr7_t car of the tr7_t `t` - `TR7_CDR(t)`: returns the tr7_t cdr of the tr7_t `t` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CAR(t) TR7_PAIR_CAR(TR7_TO_PAIR(t)) #define TR7_CDR(t) TR7_PAIR_CDR(TR7_TO_PAIR(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 2 helpers !!! WARNING !Unsafe! These macros are not checking anything Use `tr7_cXr_or_void` functions when safety is required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CAAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CAR(t)) #define TR7_CADR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDR(t)) #define TR7_CDAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CAR(t)) #define TR7_CDDR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDR(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 3 helpers !!! WARNING !Unsafe! These macros are not checking anything Use `tr7_cXr_or_void` functions when safety is required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CAAAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CAAR(t)) #define TR7_CAADR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CADR(t)) #define TR7_CADAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDAR(t)) #define TR7_CADDR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDDR(t)) #define TR7_CDAAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CAAR(t)) #define TR7_CDADR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CADR(t)) #define TR7_CDDAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDAR(t)) #define TR7_CDDDR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDDR(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 4 helpers !!! WARNING !Unsafe! These macros are not checking anything Use `tr7_cXr_or_void` functions when safety is required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CAAAAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CAAAR(t)) #define TR7_CAAADR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CAADR(t)) #define TR7_CAADAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CADAR(t)) #define TR7_CAADDR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CADDR(t)) #define TR7_CADAAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDAAR(t)) #define TR7_CADADR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDADR(t)) #define TR7_CADDAR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDDAR(t)) #define TR7_CADDDR(t) TR7_CAR(TR7_CDDDR(t)) #define TR7_CDAAAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CAAAR(t)) #define TR7_CDAADR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CAADR(t)) #define TR7_CDADAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CADAR(t)) #define TR7_CDADDR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CADDR(t)) #define TR7_CDDAAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDAAR(t)) #define TR7_CDDADR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDADR(t)) #define TR7_CDDDAR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDDAR(t)) #define TR7_CDDDDR(t) TR7_CDR(TR7_CDDDR(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Functions `tr7_cXr_or_void` All these functions, as the end of their names `_or_void` indicates are returning `TR7_VOID` if requested value can not be returned from the given value. These functions must be called if a check as to be done on `t`. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_car_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cddr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caaar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cadar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caddr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdaar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cddar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdddr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caaaar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caaadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caadar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caaddr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cadaar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cadadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_caddar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cadddr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdaaar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdaadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdadar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdaddr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cddaar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cddadr_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cdddar_or_void(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cddddr_or_void(tr7_t t); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Function `tr7_cons` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cons(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t a, tr7_t b); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This function returns the `tr7_t` value representing the pair `( a . b )` or returns TR7_NIL if it fails. !!! CAUTION Can trigger garbage collection ### Function `tr7_cons_n` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_cons_n(tr7_engine_t tsc, int count, tr7_t cars[], tr7_t cdr); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This function returns the `tr7_t` value representing the list `( car[0] car[1] ... car[count-1] . cdr )` or returns `TR7_NIL` if it fails. When count is zero, `cdr` is returned. The function `tr7_cons_n` tries to be efficient when it reclaims pairs from memory. So it is recommended to use it instead of calling repeatedly `tr7_cons`. The helpers macros `TR7_CONSn` and `TR7_LISTn` should be used to make calls simpler. !!! CAUTION Can trigger garbage collection ### Macro `TR7_LIST_N` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_LIST_N(tsc,count,cars) tr7_cons_n((tsc),(count),(cars),TR7_NIL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This macro returns the list `( car[0] car[1] ... car[count-1] )` or `TR7_NIL` on failure. !!! CAUTION Can trigger garbage collection ### Macros `TR7_CONSn` Macros `TR7_CONSn` are wrappers to call the `tr7_cons` or `tr7_cons_n`. !!! CAUTION Any of these macro can trigger garbage collection Example: the macro `TR7_CONS4(tsc,a,b,c,d)` returns the list `( a b c . d )` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CONS2(tsc,a,b) tr7_cons(tsc,a,b) #define TR7_CONS3(tsc,a,b,c) tr7_cons_n(tsc,2,(tr7_t[2]){a,b},c) #define TR7_CONS4(tsc,a,b,c,d) tr7_cons_n(tsc,3,(tr7_t[3]){a,b,c},d) #define TR7_CONS5(tsc,a,b,c,d,e) tr7_cons_n(tsc,4,(tr7_t[4]){a,b,c,d},e) #define TR7_CONS6(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f) tr7_cons_n(tsc,5,(tr7_t[5]){a,b,c,d,e},f) #define TR7_CONS7(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) tr7_cons_n(tsc,6,(tr7_t[6]){a,b,c,d,e,f},g) #define TR7_CONS8(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \ tr7_cons_n(tsc,7,(tr7_t[7]){a,b,c,d,e,f,g},h) #define TR7_CONS9(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) \ tr7_cons_n(tsc,8,(tr7_t[8]){a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h},i) #define TR7_CONS10(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) \ tr7_cons_n(tsc,9,(tr7_t[9]){a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i},j) #define TR7_CONS11(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) \ tr7_cons_n(tsc,10,(tr7_t[10]){a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j},k) #define TR7_CONS12(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) \ tr7_cons_n(tsc,11,(tr7_t[11]){a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k},l) #define TR7_CONS13(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m) \ tr7_cons_n(tsc,12,(tr7_t[12]){a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l},m) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Macros `TR7_LISTn` Macros `TR7_LISTn` are wrappers to call the `tr7_cons` or `tr7_cons_n`. !!! CAUTION Any of these macro can trigger garbage collection Example: the macro `TR7_LIST4(tsc,a,b,c,d)` returns the list `( a b c d )` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_LIST1(tsc,a) tr7_cons(tsc,a,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST2(tsc,a,b) TR7_CONS3(tsc,a,b,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST3(tsc,a,b,c) TR7_CONS4(tsc,a,b,c,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST4(tsc,a,b,c,d) TR7_CONS5(tsc,a,b,c,d,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST5(tsc,a,b,c,d,e) TR7_CONS6(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST6(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f) TR7_CONS7(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST7(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) TR7_CONS8(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST8(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) TR7_CONS9(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST9(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) \ TR7_CONS10(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST10(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) \ TR7_CONS11(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST11(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) \ TR7_CONS12(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,TR7_NIL) #define TR7_LIST12(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) \ TR7_CONS13(tsc,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,TR7_NIL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Function `tr7_list_length` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_list_length(tr7_t a); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_list_length` returns the length of the list `a` if `a` is a proper list. Returns -1 if a cycle is detected. Returns -2 minus length before the dot if the list is not terminated by `'()`. Examples (see demo-c, show_tr7_list_length): ************************************************** * tr7_list_length( '(a b c) ) --> 3 * tr7_list_length( '(a b . c) ) --> -4 * tr7_list_length( '#1=(a b . #1#) ) --> -1 ************************************************** ### Function `tr7_reverse_in_place` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_reverse_in_place(tr7_t head, tr7_t tail); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_reverse_in_place` reverse the list given by `head`, putting `tail` at its end. Returns the head of the reversed list or returns `TR7_VOID` if `head` is not a proper list. The pairs element of the given list are directly changed to reverse the list. There is no allocation. !!! WARNING This function doesn't detect circular list. If called on circular list, the behaviour is strange, see below example. !!! WARNING If called with a dot terminated list, `TR7_VOID` is returned but the given list is mostly reversed in memory! Examples (see demo-c, show_tr7_reverse_in_place): ************************************************************************** * tr7_reverse_in_place( '(a b c), '(A B C)) --> '(c b a A B C) * tr7_reverse_in_place( '(a b . c), '(A)) --> TR7_VOID * tr7_reverse_in_place( '(a . #1=(b c . #1#)), '(X Y)) * --> '(Y X a . #1=(b c . #1#)) ************************************************************************** ### Function `tr7_reverse` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_reverse(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t head, tr7_t tail); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_reverse` returns a new list that contains the reverse of the given list `head`, putting `tail` (not a copy) at its end. Returns the head of the reversed list or returns `TR7_VOID` if `head` is not a proper list. !!! CAUTION Can trigger garbage collection !!! WARNING This function doesn't detect circular list. If called on circular list, it doesn't return until memory is exhausted. Examples: *********************************************************************** * tr7_reverse(tsc, '(a b c), '(A B C)) --> '(c b a A B C) * tr7_reverse(tsc, '(a b . c), '(A)) --> TR7_VOID * tr7_reverse(tsc, '(a . #1=(b c . #1#)), '(X Y)) --> CRASH, DON'T DO! *********************************************************************** ### Function `tr7_append` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_append(tr7_engine_t tsc, int nitem, tr7_t items[]); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_append` appends the `nitems` lists of the array `items` in a single list and returns the created new one. As for the scheme procedure, the latest item is shared with the result and does not need to be a neither a list nor a proper list. If any item before the last is not a proper list, TR7_FALSE is returned. !!! CAUTION Can trigger garbage collection Example (see demo-c, show_tr7_append): ******************************************************************* * tr7_t items[] = { * tr7_from_utf8(tsc, "#1=(A B C . #1#)"), * tr7_from_utf8(tsc, "(A B C)"), * tr7_from_utf8(tsc, "(M N O)"), * tr7_from_utf8(tsc, "(X Y Z)"), * tr7_from_int(tsc, 345) }; * tr7_append(tsc, 2, &items[1]) --> '(A B C M N O) * tr7_append(tsc, 3, &items[2]) --> '(M N O X Y Z . 345) * tr7_append(tsc, 5, &items[0]) --> TR7_FALSE ******************************************************************* ### Function `tr7_get_list_pairs` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_get_list_pairs(tr7_t list, int count, tr7_pair_t pairs[]); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_get_list_pairs` extracts from the given `list` the first `count` pairs at most and store it in `pairs`. It returns the count of pairs extracted that can be less than count and even zero when `list` isn't a pair. Example (see demo-c, show_tr7_get_list_pairs): ************************************************************************** * +---------+ list * pairs | *----+------->+-------+-------+ * +---------+ | A | * | * | *----+---. +-------+---+---+ * +---------+ \ v * | *----+-. '------------->+-------+-------+ * +---------+ \ | B | * | * | | \ +-------+---+---+ * +---------+ \ v * | | '------------------------->+-------+-------+ * +---------+ | C | / | * | | +-------+-------+ * +---------+ * * tr7_get_list_pairs( '1, pairs, 6) --> 0 * tr7_get_list_pairs( '(A B C), pairs, 6) --> 3 * tr7_get_list_pairs( '(A B C), pairs, 2) --> 2 * tr7_get_list_pairs( '(A B . C), pairs, 6) --> 2 ************************************************************************** ### Function `tr7_get_list_cars` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_get_list_cars(tr7_t list, int count, tr7_t cars[], tr7_t *cdr); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_get_list_cars` extracts from the given `list` the first `count` CARs at most and store it in `cars`. If `cdr` is not NULL, it receives the CDR value corresponding to the last stored CAR. It returns the count of cars extracted that can be less than count. If `list` is not a pair, zero is returned and if not NULL `cdr` is set to `list`. Example (see demo-c, show_tr7_get_list_cars): ************************************************************************** * +---------+ list * cars | A | +-------+-------+ * +---------+ | A | * | * | B | +-------+---+---+ * +---------+ v * +-------+-------+ * cdr *-. | B | * | * | +-------+---+---+ * v v * +---------+ +-------+-------+ * | *----+------------------------------->| C | / | * +---------+ +-------+-------+ * * * tr7_get_list_cars( '1, cars, 6, &cdr) --> 0 * tr7_get_list_cars( '(A B C), cars, 6, &cdr) --> 3 * tr7_get_list_cars( '(A B C), cars, 2, &cdr) --> 2 * tr7_get_list_cars( '(A B . C), cars, 6, &cdr) --> 2 ************************************************************************** ### Functions `tr7_unsafe_assq_pair` and `tr7_unsafe_memq_pair` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_unsafe_assq_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_unsafe_memq_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The functions `tr7_unsafe_assq_pair` and `tr7_unsafe_memq_pair` are equivalent to the scheme procedure `assq` and `memq` but differ in two ways: - it returns a pointer to the pair found or NULL if not found - it does not check if the list is circular, that is the reason why it is tagged as 'unsafe' ### Functions `tr7_assoc_pair` and `tr7_member_pair` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_assoc_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list, int (*eq)(tr7_t, tr7_t)); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_member_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list, int (*eq)(tr7_t, tr7_t)); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The functions `tr7_assoc_pair` and `tr7_member_pair` are equivalent to the scheme procedure `assoc` and `member` but differ in two ways: - they return a pointer to the pair found or NULL if not found - they take a C function as its equality predicate, that function must return 0 if the 2 values are not equal or else, if equal, must return a non zero value. Both detect the circular lists, returning NULL in that case. ### Function `tr7_ass?_pair` and `tr7_mem?_pair` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_assq_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_assv_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_asse_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_memq_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_memv_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_pair_t tr7_meme_pair(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These functions are equivalent equivalent to the scheme procedure `assq`, `assv`, `asse`, `memq`, `memv`, `meme` but differ in one way: - they return a pointer to the pair found or NULL if not found They detect the circular lists, returning TR7_FALSE in that case. ### Function `tr7_assoc` and `tr7_member` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_assoc(tr7_t x, tr7_t list, int (*eq)(tr7_t, tr7_t)); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_member(tr7_t x, tr7_t list, int (*eq)(tr7_t, tr7_t)); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The functions `tr7_assoc` and `tr7_member` are equivalent to the scheme procedure `assoc` and `member` but differ in one ways: - they take a C function as its equality predicate, that function must return 0 if the 2 values are not equal or else, if equal, must return a non zero value. Both detect the circular lists, returning TR7_FALSE in that case. ### Functions `tr7_ass?` and `tr7_mem?` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_assq(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_assv(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_asse(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_memq(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_memv(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_meme(tr7_t x, tr7_t list); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These functions are equivalent equivalent to the scheme procedure `assq`, `assv`, `asse`, `memq`, `memv`, `meme`. They detect the circular lists, returning TR7_FALSE in that case. ***************************************************************************** Defining tr7_head_t ------------------- Any cell starts with a head that fits an intptr_t to be compatible in size and alignement with pointers being in the same heap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef intptr_t tr7_head_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 6 least significant bits are used to hold flags. The remaining bits can be used to store any value. The idea is to implement the following schema: ******************************************************************* * <- 26 or 58 bits -> 5 4 3 2 1 0 * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * | V A L U E |MUT| K I N D | * +---+---+ - - - - - +---+---+---+---+---+---+ * <--------HEAD-----------> ******************************************************************* Where: - KIND indicates the kind of cell (string, vector, ...) - MUT if set indicates immutability of the cell (IMMUTABLE) - VALUE any value having mean for the kind Values for bit field KIND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_SHIFT_HEAD_KIND 0 #define TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_KIND 5 #define TR7_MASK_HEAD_KIND (((1 << TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_KIND) - 1) << TR7_SHIFT_HEAD_KIND) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Values for bit field IMMUTABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_SHIFT_HEAD_IMMUTABLE (TR7_SHIFT_HEAD_KIND + TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_KIND) #define TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_IMMUTABLE 1 #define TR7_MASK_HEAD_IMMUTABLE (((1 << TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_IMMUTABLE) - 1) << TR7_SHIFT_HEAD_IMMUTABLE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Values for meta bit field FLAGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_FLAGS (TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_KIND + TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_IMMUTABLE) #define TR7_MASK_HEAD_FLAGS (((1 << TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_FLAGS) - 1) << TR7_SHIFT_HEAD_KIND) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extract the kind of a header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_HEAD_KIND(h) ((h) & TR7_MASK_HEAD_KIND) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get and set the IMMUTABLE value of a header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_HEAD_IS_IMMUTABLE(h) ((h) & TR7_MASK_HEAD_IMMUTABLE) #define TR7_HEAD_SET_IMMUTABLE(h) ((h) | TR7_MASK_HEAD_IMMUTABLE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the meta values of FLAGS of a header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_HEAD_FLAGS(h) ((h) & TR7_MASK_HEAD_FLAGS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make a cell's header from its VALUE and its FLAGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_MAKE_HEAD(v,f) (((v) << TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_FLAGS) | (f)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get and set signed VALUE of a header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_HEAD_VALUE(h) (((tr7_int_t)(h)) >> TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_FLAGS) #define TR7_HEAD_SET_VALUE(h,v) TR7_MAKE_HEAD(v,TR7_HEAD_FLAGS(h)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get and set unsigned VALUE of a header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_HEAD_UVALUE(h) (((tr7_uint_t)(h)) >> TR7_WIDTH_HEAD_FLAGS) #define TR7_HEAD_SET_UVALUE(h,v) TR7_MAKE_HEAD(v,TR7_HEAD_FLAGS(h)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Defining kinds of heads ----------------------- The following values are used as kinds for the TR7 internal cells. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef enum tr7_head_kind { Tr7_Head_Kind_None, /* reserved */ Tr7_Head_Kind_String, /* strings */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Symbol, /* symbols */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Byte_Vector, /* bytevectors */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Port, /* ports */ Tr7_Head_Kind_CFunction, /* callable foreign functions */ Tr7_Head_Kind_CPointer, /* foreign pointer */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Continuation, /* continuations */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Rational, /* reserved for encoding rational numbers */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Complex, /* reserved for encoding complex numbers */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Lambda, /* callable lambdas */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Case_Lambda, /* callable case-lambdas */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Promise, /* promises */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Parameter, /* parameters */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Transform, /* defined syntaxes */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Environment, /* environments */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Box, /* boxes */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Record, /* records */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Vector, /* vectors */ Tr7_Head_Kind_Big_Int, /* reserved for encoding big integers */ _Tr7_Head_Kind_Count_ /* total count of kinds */ } tr7_head_kind_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining tr7_cell_t ------------------- Cell could have been a pointer to a tr7_head_t, it would be enought. Though defining it with the union is safer and allows more cleaner code. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C union tr7_cell { tr7_head_t head; /* common case, standard head of a cell */ tr7_t ____; /* not used, here to ensure the union match a tr7_t */ }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating cells, tr7_t value wraps a pointer to a cell - `TR7_IS_CELL(t)`: returns a boolean true if the tr7_t value `t` is for a cell - `TR7_TO_CELL(t)`: returns the tr_cell_t (pointer to cell) of the tr7_t value `t` - `TR7_AS_PAIR(t)`: returns the tr7_cell_t of the tr7_t value `t` if `t` is for a cell, or otherwise, if `t` isn't a cell, returns `NULL` - `TR7_FROM_CELL(c)`: returns the tr7_t value for the tr7_cell_t `c` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_CELL(t) TR7_IS_PTR_TAG(t,TR7_TAG_CELL) #define TR7_TO_CELL(t) ((tr7_cell_t)TR7_TO_PTR(t,TR7_TAG_CELL)) #define TR7_AS_CELL(t) ((tr7_cell_t)TR7_AS_PTR(t,TR7_TAG_CELL)) #define TR7_FROM_CELL(c) TR7_FROM_PTR(c,TR7_TAG_CELL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating cell's head from tr7_cell_t pointers - `TR7_CELL_HEAD(c)`: Returns the head of the tr7_cell_t `c` - `TR7_CELL_KIND(c)`: Returns the kind of the tr7_cell_t `c` - `TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c,k)`: Returns a boolean true if the tr7_cell_t `c` is of kind `k` - `TR7_CELL_IS_IMMUTABLE(c)`: Returns a boolean true if the tr7_cell_t `c` is immutable - `TR7_CELL_SET_IMMUTABLE(c)`: makes the tr7_cell_t `c` immutable - `TR7_CELL_VALUE(c)`: Returns the head's signed value of the tr7_cell_t `c` - `TR7_CELL_UVALUE(c)`: Returns the head's unsigned value of the tr7_cell_t `c` - `TR7_CELL_SET_VALUE(c,v)`: Sets the head's signed value of the tr7_cell_t `c` to `v` - `TR7_CELL_SET_UVALUE(c,v)`: Sets the head's unsigned value of the tr7_cell_t `c` to `v` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_HEAD(c) ((c)->head) #define TR7_CELL_KIND(c) TR7_HEAD_KIND(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c)) #define TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c,k) (TR7_CELL_KIND(c) == (k)) #define TR7_CELL_IS_IMMUTABLE(c) TR7_HEAD_IS_IMMUTABLE(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c)) #define TR7_CELL_SET_IMMUTABLE(c) (TR7_CELL_HEAD(c) = TR7_HEAD_SET_IMMUTABLE(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c))) #define TR7_CELL_VALUE(c) TR7_HEAD_VALUE(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c)) #define TR7_CELL_UVALUE(c) TR7_HEAD_UVALUE(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c)) #define TR7_CELL_SET_VALUE(c,v) (TR7_CELL_HEAD(c) = TR7_HEAD_SET_VALUE(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c),v)) #define TR7_CELL_SET_UVALUE(c,v) (TR7_CELL_HEAD(c) = TR7_HEAD_SET_UVALUE(TR7_CELL_HEAD(c),v)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating cell's head from tr7_t values - TR7_HEAD_CELL(t): Returns the head of the tr7_t t - TR7_KIND_CELL(t): Returns the kind of the tr7_t t - TR7_IS_CELL_KIND(t,k): Returns a boolean true if the tr7_t t is of kind k - TR7_IS_IMMUTABLE_CELL(t): Returns a boolean true if the tr7_t t is immutable - TR7_SET_IMMUTABLE_CELL(t): makes the tr7_t t immutable - TR7_VALUE_CELL(t): Returns the head's signed value of the tr7_t t - TR7_UVALUE_CELL(t): Returns the head's unsigned value of the tr7_t t - TR7_SET_VALUE_CELL(t,v): Sets the head's signed value of the tr7_t t to v - TR7_SET_UVALUE_CELL(t,v): Sets the head's unsigned value of the tr7_t t to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_HEAD_CELL(t) TR7_CELL_HEAD(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_KIND_CELL(t) TR7_CELL_KIND(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_IS_CELL_KIND(t,k) (TR7_IS_CELL(t) && (TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(TR7_TO_CELL(t), (k)))) #define TR7_AS_CELL_KIND(t,k) (TR7_IS_CELL_KIND(t,k) ? TR7_TO_CELL(t) : NULL) #define TR7_IS_IMMUTABLE_CELL(t) TR7_CELL_IS_IMMUTABLE(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_SET_IMMUTABLE_CELL(t) TR7_CELL_SET_IMMUTABLE(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_VALUE_CELL(t) TR7_CELL_VALUE(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_UVALUE_CELL(t) TR7_CELL_UVALUE(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_SET_VALUE_CELL(t,v) TR7_CELL_SET_VALUE(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_SET_UVALUE_CELL(t,v) TR7_CELL_SET_UVALUE(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Defining the buffers -------------------- Buffers are used for strings, symbols and bytevectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_buffer *tr7_buffer_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They are a structure made of: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C struct tr7_buffer { tr7_head_t head; /* content length, immutability and kind */ uint8_t *content; /* pointer to the content */ }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating buffers from tr7_buffer_t values - TR7_BUFFER_HEAD(b): Returns the head of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(b): Returns the content of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(b): Returns the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_BUFFER_SET_LENGTH(b,v): Sets the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t b to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_BUFFER_HEAD(b) (b)->head #define TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(b) ((b)->content) #define TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(b) TR7_HEAD_UVALUE(TR7_BUFFER_HEAD(b)) #define TR7_BUFFER_SET_LENGTH(b,v) (TR7_BUFFER_HEAD(b) = TR7_HEAD_SET_UVALUE(TR7_BUFFER_HEAD(b),v)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating buffers from tr7_cell_t values - TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c): Returns the buffer value of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_CONTENT_BUFFER(c): Returns the buffer content of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_LENGTH_BUFFER(c): Returns the buffer unsigned length of the tr7_cell_t c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c) ((tr7_buffer_t)(c)) #define TR7_CELL_CONTENT_BUFFER(c) TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c)) #define TR7_CELL_LENGTH_BUFFER(c) TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating buffers from tr7_t values - TR7_TO_BUFFER(t): Returns the buffer value of the tr7_t t - TR7_FROM_BUFFER(b): Returns the tr7_t value of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_CONTENT_BUFFER(t): Returns the buffer content of the tr7_t t - TR7_LENGTH_BUFFER(t): Returns the buffer unsigned length of the tr7_t t - TR7_SET_LENGTH_BUFFER(t,v): Sets the buffer unsigned length of the tr7_t t to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_TO_BUFFER(t) TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_FROM_BUFFER(b) TR7_FROM_CELL(b) #define TR7_CONTENT_BUFFER(t) TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(TR7_TO_BUFFER(t)) #define TR7_LENGTH_BUFFER(t) TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(TR7_TO_BUFFER(t)) #define TR7_SET_LENGTH_BUFFER(t,v) TR7_BUFFER_SET_LENGTH(TR7_TO_BUFFER(t),v) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Defining bytevectors -------------------- Bytevectors are implemented using buffers Macros for manipulating buffers from tr7_buffer_t values - TR7_BYTEVECTOR_CONTENT(b): Returns the content of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH(b): Returns the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_BYTEVECTOR_SET_LENGTH(b,v): Sets the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t b to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_BYTEVECTOR_CONTENT(b) TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(b) #define TR7_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH(b) TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(b) #define TR7_BYTEVECTOR_SET_LENGTH(b,v) TR7_BUFFER_SET_LENGTH(b,v) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating bytevectors from tr7_cell_t values - TR7_CELL_IS_BYTEVECTOR(c): Returns true if the tr7_cell_t c is a bytevector - TR7_CELL_TO_BYTEVECTOR(c): Returns the bytevector value of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_CONTENT_BYTEVECTOR(c): Returns the bytevector content of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_LENGTH_BYTEVECTOR(c): Returns the bytevector unsigned length of the tr7_cell_t c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_IS_BYTEVECTOR(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c, Tr7_Head_Kind_Byte_Vector) #define TR7_CELL_TO_BYTEVECTOR(c) TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c) #define TR7_CELL_CONTENT_BYTEVECTOR(c) TR7_BYTEVECTOR_CONTENT(TR7_CELL_TO_BYTEVECTOR(c)) #define TR7_CELL_LENGTH_BYTEVECTOR(c) TR7_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH(TR7_CELL_TO_BYTEVECTOR(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating bytevectors from tr7_t values - TR7_IS_BYTEVECTOR(t): Returns true if the tr7_t t is a bytevector - TR7_TO_BYTEVECTOR(t): Returns the bytevector value of the tr7_t t - TR7_AS_BYTEVECTOR(t): Returns the bytevector value of the tr7_t t or return NULL when t is not a bytevector - TR7_FROM_BYTEVECTOR(b): Returns the tr7_t value of the tr7_buffer_t b - TR7_CONTENT_BYTEVECTOR(t): Returns the bytevector content of the tr7_t t - TR7_LENGTH_BYTEVECTOR(t): Returns the bytevector unsigned length of the tr7_t t - TR7_SET_LENGTH_BYTEVECTOR(t,v): Sets the bytevector unsigned length of the tr7_t t to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_BYTEVECTOR(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Byte_Vector) #define TR7_TO_BYTEVECTOR(t) TR7_TO_BUFFER(t) #define TR7_AS_BYTEVECTOR(t) (TR7_IS_BYTEVECTOR(t) ? TR7_TO_BYTEVECTOR(t) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_BYTEVECTOR(b) TR7_FROM_BUFFER(b) #define TR7_CONTENT_BYTEVECTOR(t) TR7_BYTEVECTOR_CONTENT(TR7_TO_BYTEVECTOR(t)) #define TR7_LENGTH_BYTEVECTOR(t) TR7_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH(TR7_TO_BYTEVECTOR(t)) #define TR7_SET_LENGTH_BYTEVECTOR(t,v) TR7_BYTEVECTOR_SET_LENGTH(TR7_TO_BYTEVECTOR(t),v) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions `tr7_make_bytevector...` for creating bytevectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_bytevector(tr7_engine_t tsc, size_t len); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_bytevector_fill(tr7_engine_t tsc, uint8_t byte, size_t len); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_bytevector_copy(tr7_engine_t tsc, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_bytevector_take(tr7_engine_t tsc, uint8_t *bytes, size_t len); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_bytevector_static(tr7_engine_t tsc, uint8_t *bytes, size_t len); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_make_bytevector` creates a bytevector of length `len` but does not initializes the allocated memory that get randoms value. The function `tr7_make_bytevector_fill` creates a bytevector of length `len` and initialize it with the value `byte`. The function `tr7_make_bytevector_copy` creates a bytevector of length `len` and initialize it with the copy of `bytes`. The function `tr7_make_bytevector_take` creates a bytevector of length `len` holding the given buffer `bytes`. When the created value is not more used, the garbage collector free the given buffer using its free function. The function `tr7_make_bytevector_static` creates a bytevector of length `len` holding the given buffer `bytes`. The given buffer is never freed. All these functions are returning TR7_NIL when allocation fails. !!! CAUTION All these functions can trigger garbage collection ************************************************************************** Defining strings ---------------- Strings are implemented using buffers. Internal representation is using UTF8 zero terminated strings. But the ending zero is here onmy for convenience in interaction with C and not used internally. So the ending zero is not mandatory. The recorded size is the size in bytes of the UTF8 string. It means that it is not the count of characters. For strings, the count of characters is the length Macros for manipulating strings from tr7_buffer_t values - TR7_STRING_CONTENT(s): Returns the content of the tr7_buffer_t s - TR7_STRING_SIZE(s): Returns the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t s - TR7_STRING_SET_SIZE(s,v): Sets the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t s to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_STRING_CONTENT(s) TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(s) #define TR7_STRING_SIZE(s) TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(s) #define TR7_STRING_SET_SIZE(s,v) TR7_BUFFER_SET_LENGTH(s,v) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating strings from tr7_cell_t values - TR7_CELL_IS_STRING(c): Returns true if the tr7_cell_t c is a string - TR7_CELL_TO_STRING(c): Returns the string value of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_CONTENT_STRING(c): Returns the string content of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_SIZE_STRING(c): Returns the string unsigned length of the tr7_cell_t c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_IS_STRING(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c, Tr7_Head_Kind_String) #define TR7_CELL_TO_STRING(c) TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c) #define TR7_CELL_CONTENT_STRING(c) TR7_STRING_CONTENT(TR7_CELL_TO_STRING(c)) #define TR7_CELL_SIZE_STRING(c) TR7_STRING_SIZE(TR7_CELL_TO_STRING(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating strings from tr7_t values - TR7_IS_STRING(t): Returns true if the tr7_t t is a string - TR7_TO_STRING(t): Returns the string value of the tr7_t t - TR7_AS_STRING(t): Returns the string value of the tr7_t t or return NULL when t is not a string - TR7_FROM_STRING(s): Returns the tr7_t value of the tr7_buffer_t s - TR7_CONTENT_STRING(t): Returns the string content of the tr7_t t - TR7_SIZE_STRING(t): Returns the string unsigned length of the tr7_t t - TR7_SET_SIZE_STRING(t,v): Sets the string unsigned length of the tr7_t t to v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_STRING(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_String) #define TR7_TO_STRING(t) TR7_TO_BUFFER(t) #define TR7_AS_STRING(t) (TR7_IS_STRING(t) ? TR7_TO_STRING(t) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_STRING(s) TR7_FROM_BUFFER(s) #define TR7_CONTENT_STRING(t) TR7_STRING_CONTENT(TR7_TO_STRING(t)) #define TR7_SIZE_STRING(t) TR7_STRING_SIZE(TR7_TO_STRING(t)) #define TR7_SET_SIZE_STRING(t,v) TR7_STRING_SET_SIZE(TR7_TO_STRING(t),v) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions `tr7_make_string...` for creating strings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_noinit(tr7_engine_t tsc, size_t size); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_fill(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_char_t car, size_t ncars); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_copy_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *sutf8, size_t size); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_copy(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *sutf8); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_take_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, char *sutf8, size_t size); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_take(tr7_engine_t tsc, char *sutf8); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_static_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *sutf8, size_t size); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_static(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *sutf8); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *sutf8, size_t size, int copy); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *sutf8, int copy); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_make_string_noinit` creates a string of 'size' bytes but does not initializes the allocated memory that get randoms value. The function `tr7_make_string_fill` creates a string of `ncars` characters initialized to `car`. The function `tr7_make_string_copy_length` creates a string of `size` and initialize it with the copy of the UTF8 string `sutf8`. The function `tr7_make_string_copy` compute the length of `sutf8` that must be zero and calls `tr7_make_string_copy_length` to create the string. The function `tr7_make_string_take_length` creates a string of `size` holding the given UTF8 string 'sutf8'. When the created value is not more used, the garbage collector free the given string using its free function. The function `tr7_make_string_take` compute the length of `sutf8` that must be zero and calls `tr7_make_string_take_length` to create the string. The function `tr7_make_string_static_length` creates a string of `size` holding the given UTF8 string 'sutf8'. The given string is never freed. The function `tr7_make_string_static` compute the length of `sutf8` that must be zero and calls `tr7_make_string_static_length` to create the string. The function `tr7_make_string_length` creates a string of `size` using `tr7_make_string_static_length` when `copy` is zero or usign `tr7_make_string_copy_length` otherwise. The function `tr7_make_string` creates a string of `size` using `tr7_make_string_static` when `copy` is zero or usign `tr7_make_string_copy` otherwise. All these functions are returning TR7_NIL when allocation fails. !!! CAUTION All these functions can trigger garbage collection ### functions for manipulating strings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_string(tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT size_t tr7_string_size(tr7_t string); TR7_EXPORT const char *tr7_string_buffer(tr7_t string); TR7_EXPORT size_t tr7_string_length(tr7_t string); TR7_EXPORT tr7_char_t tr7_string_ref(tr7_t string, size_t pos); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_string_set(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t string, size_t pos, tr7_char_t car); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_is_string` test if `item` is a string and returns 1 if it is the case and 0 otherwise. The function `tr7_string_size` returns the count of bytes of the buffer holding the UTF8 string. The argument `string` MUST be a string. The function `tr7_string_buffer` returns the UTF8 string buffer. The argument `string` MUST be a string. The function `tr7_string_length` returns the count of characters of the `string`. The argument `string` MUST be a string. The function `tr7_string_ref` returns the character of `string` at position `pos`. The argument `string` MUST be a string. The argument `pos` MUST be a valid position: greater or equal to 0 and less than the length. If pos is invalid, the value -1 is returned. The function `tr7_string_set` set the character of `string` at position `pos` to the character `car`. The argument `string` MUST be a string. The argument `pos` MUST be a valid position: greater or equal to 0 and less than the length. It returns 1 is all went good or 0 if allocation failed or `pos` is erronous ************************************************************************** Defining symbols ---------------- Symbols are implemented using buffers Macros for manipulating symbols from tr7_buffer_t values - TR7_SYMBOL_CONTENT(s): Returns the content of the tr7_buffer_t s - TR7_SYMBOL_SIZE(s): Returns the unsigned length of the tr7_buffer_t s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_SYMBOL_SIZE(s) TR7_BUFFER_LENGTH(s) #define TR7_SYMBOL_CONTENT(s) TR7_BUFFER_CONTENT(s) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating symbols from tr7_cell_t values - TR7_CELL_IS_SYMBOL(c): Returns true if the tr7_cell_t c is a symbol - TR7_CELL_TO_SYMBOL(c): Returns the symbol value of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_CONTENT_SYMBOL(c): Returns the symbol content of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_SIZE_SYMBOL(c): Returns the symbol unsigned length of the tr7_cell_t c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_IS_SYMBOL(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c, Tr7_Head_Kind_Symbol) #define TR7_CELL_TO_SYMBOL(c) TR7_CELL_TO_BUFFER(c) #define TR7_CELL_CONTENT_SYMBOL(c) TR7_SYMBOL_CONTENT(TR7_CELL_TO_SYMBOL(c)) #define TR7_CELL_SIZE_SYMBOL(c) TR7_SYMBOL_SIZE(TR7_CELL_TO_SYMBOL(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating symbols from tr7_t values - TR7_IS_SYMBOL(t): Returns true if the tr7_t t is a symbol - TR7_TO_SYMBOL(t): Returns the symbol value of the tr7_t t - TR7_AS_SYMBOL(t): Returns the symbol value of the tr7_t t or return NULL when t is not a symbol - TR7_FROM_SYMBOL(s): Returns the tr7_t value of the tr7_buffer_t s - TR7_CONTENT_SYMBOL(t): Returns the symbol content of the tr7_t t - TR7_SIZE_SYMBOL(t): Returns the symbol unsigned length of the tr7_t t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_SYMBOL(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Symbol) #define TR7_TO_SYMBOL(t) TR7_TO_BUFFER(t) #define TR7_AS_SYMBOL(t) (TR7_IS_SYMBOL(t) ? TR7_TO_SYMBOL(t) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_SYMBOL(s) TR7_FROM_BUFFER(s) #define TR7_CONTENT_SYMBOL(t) TR7_SYMBOL_CONTENT(TR7_TO_SYMBOL(t)) #define TR7_SIZE_SYMBOL(t) TR7_SYMBOL_SIZE(TR7_TO_SYMBOL(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions for manipulating symbols ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_symbol(tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT const char *tr7_symbol_string(tr7_t symbol); TR7_EXPORT size_t tr7_symbol_size(tr7_t symbol); TR7_EXPORT size_t tr7_symbol_length(tr7_t symbol); TR7_EXPORT tr7_char_t tr7_symbol_ref(tr7_t symbol, size_t pos); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_is_symbol` test if `item` is a symbol and returns 1 if it is the case and 0 otherwise. The function `tr7_symbol_size` returns the count of bytes of the buffer holding the UTF8 symbol. The argument `symbol` MUST be a symbol. The function `tr7_symbol_buffer` returns the UTF8 symbol buffer. The argument `symbol` MUST be a symbol. The function `tr7_symbol_length` returns the count of characters of the `symbol`. The argument `symbol` MUST be a symbol. The function `tr7_symbol_ref` returns the character of `symbol` at position `pos`. The argument `symbol` MUST be a symbol. The argument `pos` MUST be a valid position: greater or equal to 0 and less than the length. If pos is invalid, the value -1 is returned. ### functions for getting symbols from the dictionary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_symbol_lookup(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name, size_t length, int copy, int create); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_get_symbol_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name, size_t size, int copy); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_get_symbol(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name, int copy); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_symbol_lookup` returns the symbol of the dictionary having the UTF8 `name` of `size`. If the symbol is not already in the dictionary, and `create` is not zero, creates the symbol either by copying if `copy` is not zero or by referencing `name` directly. Otherwise, if the symbol is not in the dictionary and `create` is zero returns TR7_FALSE. The function `tr7_get_symbol_length` calls `tr7_symbol_lookup` with `create`=1, meaning it always return a symbol. The function `tr7_get_symbol` computes the `size` of `name` and calls `tr7_get_symbol_length`. !!! CAUTION All these functions can trigger garbage collection (except if `create` == 0) ************************************************************************** Defining vectors ---------------- Vectors are used to store tr7_t values continguously in memory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_vector *tr7_vector_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They are a structure made of: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C struct tr7_vector { tr7_head_t head; /* content length, immutability and kind */ tr7_t items[]; /* the items */ }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating vectors from tr7_vector_t values - TR7_VECTOR_LENGTH(v): Returns the unsigned length of the tr7_vector_t v - TR7_VECTOR_ITEMS(v): Returns the array of items of the tr7_vector_t v - TR7_VECTOR_ITEM(v,i): Returns the item of index i of the tr7_vector_t v Can be used for geting and seting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_VECTOR_LENGTH(v) TR7_HEAD_UVALUE((v)->head) #define TR7_VECTOR_ITEMS(v) ((v)->items) #define TR7_VECTOR_ITEM(v,i) (TR7_VECTOR_ITEMS(v)[i]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating vectors from tr7_cell_t values - TR7_CELL_IS_VECTOR(c): Returns true if the tr7_cell_t c is a vector - TR7_CELL_TO_VECTOR(c): Returns the vector value of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_VECTOR_LENGTH(c): Returns the vector unsigned length of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_VECTOR_ITEMS(c): Returns the vector's array of items of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_VECTOR_ITEM(c,i): Returns the vector's item of index i of the tr7_cell_t c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_IS_VECTOR(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND((c), Tr7_Head_Kind_Vector) #define TR7_CELL_TO_VECTOR(c) ((tr7_vector_t)(c)) #define TR7_CELL_VECTOR_LENGTH(c) TR7_VECTOR_LENGTH(TR7_CELL_TO_VECTOR(c)) #define TR7_CELL_VECTOR_ITEMS(c) TR7_VECTOR_ITEMS(TR7_CELL_TO_VECTOR(c)) #define TR7_CELL_VECTOR_ITEM(c,i) TR7_VECTOR_ITEM(TR7_CELL_TO_VECTOR(c),i) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating vectors from tr7_t values - TR7_IS_VECTOR(t): Returns true if the tr7_t t is a vector - TR7_TO_VECTOR(t): Returns the vector value of the tr7_t t - TR7_AS_VECTOR(t): Returns the vector value of the tr7_t t or return NULL when t is not a vector - TR7_FROM_VECTOR(v): Returns the tr7_t value of the tr7_vector_t v - TR7_LENGTH_VECTOR(t): Returns the vector unsigned length of the tr7_t t - TR7_ITEMS_VECTOR(t): Returns the vector's array of items of the tr7_t t - TR7_ITEM_VECTOR(t,i): Returns the vector's item of index i of the tr7_t t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_VECTOR(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Vector) #define TR7_TO_VECTOR(t) ((tr7_vector_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_AS_VECTOR(t) (TR7_IS_VECTOR(t) ? TR7_TO_VECTOR(t) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_VECTOR(v) TR7_FROM_CELL(v) #define TR7_LENGTH_VECTOR(t) TR7_VECTOR_LENGTH(TR7_TO_VECTOR(t)) #define TR7_ITEMS_VECTOR(t) TR7_VECTOR_ITEMS(TR7_TO_VECTOR(t)) #define TR7_ITEM_VECTOR(t,i) TR7_VECTOR_ITEM(TR7_TO_VECTOR(t),i) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### functions `tr7_make_vector...` for creating vectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_vector_stride(tr7_engine_t tsc, size_t len, tr7_t *items, size_t stride); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_vector_copy(tr7_engine_t tsc, size_t len, tr7_t *items); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_vector_fill(tr7_engine_t tsc, size_t len, tr7_t value); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_make_vector_stride` creates a vector of `len` elements, the vector is initialized by copying values pointed by `items` separated by `stride`: i.e.: result[i] = items[i*stride] `items` must be an array of at least `1 + (len - 1) * stride` values. The function `tr7_make_vector_copy` creates a vector of `len` elements, the vector is initialized by copying the values pointed by `items` that must be an array of at least `len` values. The function `tr7_make_vector_fill` creates a vector of `len` elements, each element being `value`. All these functions are returning TR7_NIL when allocation fails. !!! CAUTION All these functions can trigger garbage collection ### functions for manipulating vectors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT size_t tr7_vector_length(tr7_t vec); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_vector_ref(tr7_t vec, size_t ielem); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_vector_set(tr7_t vec, size_t ielem, tr7_t value); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_vector_length` returns the count of elements of `vec`. The function `tr7_vector_ref` returns the element of index `ielem` of `vec`. The function `tr7_vector_set` set the element of index `ielem` of `vec` to the value `value`. !!! CAUTION For aa these functions `vec` MUST be a vector and `ielem` MUST be a valid index: `0 <= ielem < tr7_vector_length(vec)` ************************************************************************** Defining foreign pointers ------------------------- It is safe to pass any pointer as tr7_t value. Nevertheless, it can have hard to predict side effects. For this reason, it is safer to use the facility offered by TR7 to manage the pointer issued by C. Moreover, it allows to track life cycle of the pointer. Management of foreign pointers introduces 2 hooks in the life cycle of pointers: one when the pointer is marked alive and one when the pointer is dead. The hook called for marking the pointer as alive, `marker` can be used to mark TR7 values hold by the pointer context using the function `tr7_mark`. This is a bit lighter than using `tr7_hold`/`tr7_unhold` when the related TR7's values are linked to the pointer. The hook called when the pointer is dead for TR7, `disposer` can be used to release resources linked to the pointer. ### foreign pointer hooks Both hooks are defined as below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef void (*tr7_cptr_cb_t)(tr7_engine_t, void*); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first received argument is the engine where the pointer is/was recorded. The second received argument is the recorded pointer (NOTE WELL, not the TR7 value holding the pointer, the recorded pointer). ### Functions for holding foreign pointers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_foreign_pointer(tr7_engine_t tsc, void *pointer, tr7_cptr_cb_t marker, tr7_cptr_cb_t disposer); TR7_EXPORT void *tr7_get_foreign_pointer(tr7_t value); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_make_foreign_pointer` creates a value for holding the `pointer`. The behaviour of the two given hooks, `marker` and `disposer`, are explained above. Any of the hook can be NULL. The function `tr7_get_foreign_pointer` returns the pointer stored in `value` or NULL if `value` is not a foreign pointer value. ************************************************************************** Defining foreign functions -------------------------- Foreign functions are allowing SCHEME to call (transfer execution control) to C function (or other languages though C). The invoked foreign functions receives argument and returns value(s) on normal flow or raise a non-continuable error on exceptional conditions. Before returning (if it returns) a foreign function is allowed to create TR7 values and to call SCHEME procedures. ### return status of foreign functions The type `tr7_C_return_t` defined below defines values that can return a foreign function. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef enum { Tr7_C_Return_Raise = 0, /* raise a not continuable error */ Tr7_C_Return_Ok = 1 /* normal termination */ } tr7_C_return_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has only two defined values that are `Tr7_C_Return_Raise` and `Tr7_C_Return_Ok`. Internally, it is treated as zero or not zero. The functions of the family `tr7_C_return...` or `tr7_C_raise...` return the correct corresponding value and are generally used for returning the status. ### returning values from a foreign function When foreign functions are invoked, the engine context is configured for them to return nothing. So in order to return value(s), to SCHEME the foreign function must call one of the function below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_C_return_t tr7_C_return_single(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t value); TR7_EXPORT tr7_C_return_t tr7_C_return_values(tr7_engine_t tsc, unsigned count, tr7_t array[]); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_C_return_single` returns the given `value`. The function `tr7_C_return_values` returns the `count` values pointed by `array`. Values are copied so `array` can be in stack. All these functions are returning `Tr7_C_Return_Ok` so it can be used for returning from foreign function at its end as below: ```C tr7_C_return_t five(tr7_engine_t tsc, int nval, tr7_t *values, void *closure) { return tr7_C_return_single(tsc, TR7_FROM_INT(5)); } ``` However, returning directly after setting the value is not mandatory. So it is possible to set the returned value in sub calls, for example. Also, calling these functions, and the functions of family `tr7_C_raise...` (see below), more than one time is possible. The last call take precedence over the previous ones. And it is always possible to return nothing by calling `tr7_C_return_single(tsc, TR7_VOID)`. ### returning exceptions from a foreign function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_C_return_t tr7_C_raise_single(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t value); TR7_EXPORT tr7_C_return_t tr7_C_raise_error(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *utf8msg, tr7_t irritants, int copy); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_C_raise_single` can be used to raise an exception with the given `value`. It is equivalent to SCHEME `(raise value)`. The function `tr7_C_raise_error` can be used to raise an error object whose texte is the UTF8 null terminated C string `utf8msg` and whose irritants are members of the list `irritants`. It is equivalent to the SCHEME `(apply error (cons "utf8msg" irritants))`. When `copy` is not null, the string is copied and can then be in stack. Otherwise, the string is taken as is and never freed. The code below: ```C tr7_C_return_t raise_x(tr7_engine_t tsc, int nval, tr7_t *values, void *closure) { return tr7_C_raise_single(tsc, x); } ``` is equivalent to: ```C tr7_C_return_t raise_x(tr7_engine_t tsc, int nval, tr7_t *values, void *closure) { tr7_C_return_single(tsc, x); return Tr7_C_Return_Raise; } ``` ### the foreign function callback C callbacks implementing foreign functions have the the type `tr7_C_func_t` defined as: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef tr7_C_return_t (*tr7_C_func_t)(tr7_engine_t tsc, int nvalues, tr7_t *values, void *closure); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These callbacks are receiving four arguments: - `tsc`: the TR7 engine - `nvalues`: the count of values passed as argument of the invocation - `values`: array of the passed values, valid items are `values[0..nalues-1]` - `closure`: a pointer given when the function has been declared The callback must return either `Tr7_C_Return_Ok` or `Tr7_C_Return_Raise` as explained above. ### creating a callable foreign functions For creation of foreign function a structure of type `tr7_C_func_def_t`, defined here, is required: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct { const char *name; /* name for registering the foreign function */ tr7_C_func_t func; /* callback implementing the foreign function */ void *closure; /* a user data pointer related to the function */ const char *typargs; /* description of expected types */ int8_t min_args; /* minimal count of arguments */ int8_t max_args; /* maximal count of arguments */ } tr7_C_func_def_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The functions for creating one foreign function is: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_make_C_func(tr7_engine_t tsc, const tr7_C_func_def_t *funcdef); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_make_C_func` creates an anonymous TR7 procedure for the foreign function described by `funcdef`. It return TR7_FALSE if allocation failed. The descriptor `funcdef` must remain accessible during all the life of the returned value. The field `funcdef->name` is here for functions registering created foreign function in an environment but it is not used by `tr7_make_C_func` and, so, can be NULL. The description of foreign functions by instances of `tr7_C_func_def_t` has rules. Here they are: 1. the `name` must be set except for `tr7_make_C_func`. 2. the callback `func` must not be NULL. 3. `typargs` can be NULL and in that case, any type of argument is accepted. But if `typargs` is not NULL, it must be a string describing the expected types as explained below in chapter "describing type of expected values". 4. `min_args` must be greter or equal to zero. 5. `max_args` can be positive, null or negative. Its absolute value must be greater or equal to `min_args`. When `0 <= min_args <= max_args`, the foreign function is called with a count of values `nvalues` such that `min_args <= nvalues <= max_args`. When `0 <= min_args` and `max_args < -min_args`, the foreign function is called with a count of values `nvalues` such that `min_args <= nvalues <= -max_args` and if `nvalues == -max_args`, the last value is the list of the arguments of the call starting at index '-max_args'. Example: declaring a foreign function of `name` "foo" with `min_args = 2` and `max_args = -3` is equivalent to declaring in SCHEME `(define (foo a b . c) ...`. Then calling `(foo 1 2 3 4)` makes the foreign function receiving 3 values: `1`, `2` and `(3 4)`. ### registering foreign functions The mainstream use is to register a bloc of C function in an indexable environment. To achieve the family of functions that register foreign C functions includes the ability to pass array of instances of the type `tr7_C_func_def_t` seen above. For all of these functions, the field `name` is required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_lib_register_C_func(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *libname, const tr7_C_func_def_t *funcdef); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_lib_register_C_func_list(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *libname, const tr7_C_func_def_t *fundefs); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_lib_register_C_functions(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *libname, const tr7_C_func_def_t *fundefs, unsigned count); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_register_C_func(tr7_engine_t tsc, const tr7_C_func_def_t *funcdef); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_register_C_func_list(tr7_engine_t tsc, const tr7_C_func_def_t *fundefs); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_register_C_functions(tr7_engine_t tsc, const tr7_C_func_def_t *fundefs, unsigned count); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function `tr7_lib_register_C_func` creates a TR7 procedure for the foreign function described by `funcdef` and register it in the environment of the library whose name is given by `libname` in the given TR7 engine. It returns TR7_FALSE if allocation failed. For this function, the field `funcdef->name` is used and must not be null. The descriptor `funcdef` must remain accessible during all the life of the returned value. The libaname must follow the internal naming of libraries: the names are concatenated using slash separator. For example, for the scheme library `(mylib more details)`, the internal name is the string `mylib/more/details`. CAUTION: the builtins libraries CAN NOT be extended using this behaviour. It is an error to try to register a C function in any builtin library: TR7_VOID is returned in that case. The libname can be NULL. In that case, the library that records the C function is the library `(tr7 foreigns)` named `tr7/foreigns` as defined by the macro `TR7_FOREIGNS_LIBNAME`: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_FOREIGNS_LIBNAME "tr7/foreigns" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The functions `tr7_lib_register_C_func_list` and `tr7_lib_register_C_functions` are creating TR7 procedure for the items of the array `fundefs` and registering them in the current environment with their given names. The difference is that `tr7_lib_register_C_functions` declares `count` functions from the array when `tr7_lib_register_C_func_list` declares the functions until it finds a description whose field `name` is NULL. Here again, the array must remain valid while any of the created value is alive. The functions `tr7_register_C_func`, `tr7_register_C_func_list` and `tr7_register_C_functions` are legacy wrappers for calling the corresponding functions `tr7_lib_register_C_func`, `tr7_lib_register_C_func_list` and `tr7_lib_register_C_functions` with NULL for `libname`. ### describing type of expected values The field `typargs` of the descriptor is used for requesting TR7 to check the type of the arguments before transfering control to the foreign function. If the check fails, an error is reported and the foreign function is not called. Conversely, when the foreign function receives the call, it is ensured that the received arguments are of the required type. The intended effect is to avoid writing type check in foreign functions. For example, the foreign function `foo` declared below, expects a string and an integer: ```C static tr7_C_func_def_t mydef = { .name = "foo", .func = foo, .closure = NULL, .typargs = TR7ARG_STRING TR7ARG_NATURAL, .min_args = 2, .max_args = 2 }; tr7_register_C_func(tsc, &mydef); ``` The types that can be checked are: - `TR7ARG_ANY`: Any type - `TR7ARG_STRING`: must be a string - `TR7ARG_SYMBOL`: must be a symbol - `TR7ARG_PORT`: must be a port - `TR7ARG_INPORT`: must be an input port - `TR7ARG_OUTPORT`: must be an output port - `TR7ARG_ENVIRONMENT`: must be an environment - `TR7ARG_PAIR`: must be a pair - `TR7ARG_ANY_LIST`: must be either a pair or the empty list - `TR7ARG_CHAR`: must be a character - `TR7ARG_VECTOR`: must be a vector - `TR7ARG_NUMBER`: must be a number - `TR7ARG_INTEGER`: must be an integer - `TR7ARG_NATURAL`: must be a natural integer, i.e. positive or null - `TR7ARG_BYTEVEC`: must be a bytevector - `TR7ARG_PROC`: must be a procedure - `TR7ARG_ERROBJ`: must be an error object - `TR7ARG_BYTE`: must be an integer from 0 to 255 - `TR7ARG_RECORD`: must be a record - `TR7ARG_RECORD_DESC`: must be a record descriptor - `TR7ARG_PROPER_LIST`: must be a proper list (no cycle and terminated by the empty list) When the count of type required is less than the actual count of argument given, the last type is required for the extra arguments. By example, for the procedure `+`, giving only `TR7ARG_NUMBER` is enougth. The C mechanism used to implement that behaviour is a bit tricky and then requires few words of explaination. First, it use the C feature that string constants are merged. For example, the string `"here I am"` can also be writen `"here" " I " "am"`. So, if `TR7ARG_STRING` was `"s"` and `TR7ARG_NATURAL` was `"n"`, then writting `TR7ARG_STRING TR7ARG_NATURAL`, as above, would be understood by the C compiler as the string constant `"sn"`. Having that mecanism is advantageous because: - it leads to an easy way of specifying the type of arguments - the string representation is compact - the compiler can optimize memory usage by removing duplications Second, the single character of the strings for types are given in numerical and compact order. To achieves the numeric to string conversion, the C preprocessor is used but it enforces to define numeric constants using octal notation because 0xxx -> "\0xxx" works as expected. So here is the definition of types: - _TR7ARGNUM_XXX_ is the numerical constants for type XXX (used internaly) - TR7ARG_XXX is the string constant for type XXX to be used when defining types of foreign function arguments. Definition of numerical constants for types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define _TR7ARGNUM_RESERVED_1_ 001 #define _TR7ARGNUM_RESERVED_2_ 002 #define _TR7ARGNUM_ANY_ 003 /* must be first after specials */ #define _TR7ARGNUM_STRING_ 004 #define _TR7ARGNUM_SYMBOL_ 005 #define _TR7ARGNUM_PORT_ 006 #define _TR7ARGNUM_INPORT_ 007 #define _TR7ARGNUM_OUTPORT_ 010 #define _TR7ARGNUM_ENVIRONMENT_ 011 #define _TR7ARGNUM_PAIR_ 012 #define _TR7ARGNUM_ANY_LIST_ 013 #define _TR7ARGNUM_CHAR_ 014 #define _TR7ARGNUM_VECTOR_ 015 #define _TR7ARGNUM_NUMBER_ 016 #define _TR7ARGNUM_INTEGER_ 017 #define _TR7ARGNUM_NATURAL_ 020 #define _TR7ARGNUM_BYTEVEC_ 021 #define _TR7ARGNUM_PROC_ 022 #define _TR7ARGNUM_ERROBJ_ 023 #define _TR7ARGNUM_BYTE_ 024 #define _TR7ARGNUM_RECORD_ 025 #define _TR7ARGNUM_RECORD_DESC_ 026 #define _TR7ARGNUM_PROPER_LIST_ 027 #define _TR7ARGNUM_BOX_ 030 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ convertion of _TR7ARGNUM_XXX_ to string ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define _TR7ARG_AUX_(x) #x #define _TR7ARG_(x) _TR7ARG_AUX_(\x) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Definition of string constants for types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7ARG_ANY _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_ANY_) #define TR7ARG_STRING _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_STRING_) #define TR7ARG_SYMBOL _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_SYMBOL_) #define TR7ARG_PORT _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_PORT_) #define TR7ARG_INPORT _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_INPORT_) #define TR7ARG_OUTPORT _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_OUTPORT_) #define TR7ARG_ENVIRONMENT _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_ENVIRONMENT_) #define TR7ARG_PAIR _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_PAIR_) #define TR7ARG_ANY_LIST _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_ANY_LIST_) #define TR7ARG_CHAR _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_CHAR_) #define TR7ARG_VECTOR _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_VECTOR_) #define TR7ARG_NUMBER _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_NUMBER_) #define TR7ARG_INTEGER _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_INTEGER_) #define TR7ARG_NATURAL _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_NATURAL_) #define TR7ARG_BYTEVEC _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_BYTEVEC_) #define TR7ARG_PROC _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_PROC_) #define TR7ARG_ERROBJ _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_ERROBJ_) #define TR7ARG_BYTE _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_BYTE_) #define TR7ARG_RECORD _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_RECORD_) #define TR7ARG_RECORD_DESC _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_RECORD_DESC_) #define TR7ARG_PROPER_LIST _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_PROPER_LIST_) #define TR7ARG_BOX _TR7ARG_(_TR7ARGNUM_BOX_) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Utility functions ----------------- ### predicates on numbers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_number(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_real(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_exact(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_exact_integer(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_NaN(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_finite(tr7_t t); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_infinite(tr7_t t); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The functions above are the C equivalent functions of the Scheme predicates `number?`, `real?`, `exact?`, `exact-integer?`, `nan?`, `finite?` and `infinite?` ### convert list to/from vector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_list_to_vector(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t list); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_vector_to_list(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t vector); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_procedure(tr7_t t); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_config tr7_config_t; typedef void *(*tr7_malloc_t)(size_t); typedef void (*tr7_free_t)(void *); struct tr7_config { unsigned main_dictionary_size; tr7_malloc_t malloc; tr7_free_t free; }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This enumeration is for setting strings used internally. This strings are: - Tr7_StrID_Prompt: prompt string for default REPL - Tr7_StrID_Path: default path and load path - Tr7_StrID_Library_Path: path for libraries - Tr7_StrID_Include_Path: path for includes - Tr7_StrID_Extension_Path: path for extensions Except for prompt, all the strings for paths can list many directories in the usual way. Search is done in the given order as expected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef enum tr7_strid { Tr7_StrID_Prompt, Tr7_StrID_Path, Tr7_StrID_Library_Path, Tr7_StrID_Include_Path, Tr7_StrID_Extension_Path, __Tr7_StrID_Count__ /* NOT USED EXCEPT FOR COUNTING STRINGS */ } tr7_strid_t; TR7_EXPORT void tr7_config_init_default(tr7_config_t *config); TR7_EXPORT tr7_engine_t tr7_engine_create(tr7_config_t *config); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_engine_destroy(tr7_engine_t tsc); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_argv(char **argv); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_ports(tr7_engine_t tsc, FILE * fin, FILE * fout, FILE * ferr); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_standard_ports(tr7_engine_t tsc); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_input_port_file(tr7_engine_t tsc, FILE * fin); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_input_port_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, char *start, char *end); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_output_port_file(tr7_engine_t tsc, FILE * fout); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_output_port_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, char *start, char *end); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_error_port_file(tr7_engine_t tsc, FILE * ferr); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_error_port_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, char *start, char *end); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_load_file(tr7_engine_t tsc, FILE * fin, const char *filename); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_load_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *cmd); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ holding values keep them out of GC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT void tr7_mark(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t value); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_hold(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t value); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_unhold(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t value); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_apply0(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *procname); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_call(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t func, tr7_t args); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_eval(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t obj); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_define(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t env, tr7_t symbol, tr7_t value); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_read(tr7_engine_t tsc); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_from_utf8_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *expr, size_t length); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_from_utf8(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *expr); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function to set the 'value' of the string of id 'strid' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT void tr7_set_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_strid_t strid, const char *value); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ printing to output-port ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT void tr7_write(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_write_simple(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_write_shared(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_display(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_display_string(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *s); TR7_EXPORT void tr7_flush(tr7_engine_t tsc); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_error(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_read_error(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_is_file_error(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t item); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_error_message(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t errobj); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_error_irritants(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t errobj); TR7_EXPORT tr7_t tr7_error_stack(tr7_engine_t tsc, tr7_t errobj); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Constants for error when getting libraries Here defined values are positives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef enum { Tr7_GetLib_No_Error = 0, /* no error, must be zero */ Tr7_GetLib_Error_Invalid_Name, /* invalid library name */ Tr7_GetLib_Error_Name_Too_Long, /* library name too long */ Tr7_GetLib_Error_Not_Found, /* no file found for the library */ Tr7_GetLib_Error_Name_Mismatch, /* loaded file doesn't declare library */ Tr7_GetLib_Error_Eval /* error while loading (eval) the library */ } tr7_getlib_error_t; TR7_EXPORT int tr7_has_lib(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_load_lib(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_import_lib(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_has_lib_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name, unsigned length); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_load_lib_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name, unsigned length); TR7_EXPORT int tr7_import_lib_length(tr7_engine_t tsc, const char *name, unsigned length); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** candidtes to removal of tr7.h below ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining comparison results --------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef enum tr7_compare { Tr7_Cmp_Unrelated = 0, Tr7_Cmp_Lesser = 1, Tr7_Cmp_Equal = 2, Tr7_Cmp_Lesser_Or_Equal = 3, Tr7_Cmp_Greater = 4, Tr7_Cmp_Different = 5, Tr7_Cmp_Greater_Or_Equal = 6, Tr7_Cmp_Any = 7 } tr7_compare_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of tr7_port_t ------------------------ Ports are used for referencing internal ports. The structure of ports is made of: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_port { tr7_head_t head; /* the kind */ struct _port_ *_port_; /* opaque pointer */ } *tr7_port_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating ports from tr7_port_t values - TR7_PORT__PORT_(p): Returns the opaque port of the tr7_port_t p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_PORT__PORT_(p) (p)->_port_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating ports from tr7_cell_t values - TR7_CELL_IS_PORT(c): Returns true if the tr7_cell_t c is a port - TR7_CELL_TO_PORT(c): Returns the port value of the tr7_cell_t c - TR7_CELL_AS_PORT(c): Returns the symbol value of the tr7_cell_t c or return NULL when c is not a symbol - TR7_CELL_PORT__PORT_(c): Returns the opaque port of the tr7_cell_t c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_IS_PORT(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND((c), Tr7_Head_Kind_Port) #define TR7_CELL_TO_PORT(c) ((tr7_port_t)(c)) #define TR7_CELL_AS_PORT(c) (TR7_CELL_IS_PORT(c) ? TR7_CELL_TO_PORT(c) : NULL) #define TR7_CELL_PORT__PORT_(c) TR7_PORT__PORT_(TR7_CELL_TO_PORT(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating ports from tr7_t values - TR7_IS_PORT(t): Returns true if the tr7_t t is a port - TR7_TO_PORT(t): Returns the port value of the tr7_t t - TR7_AS_PORT(t): Returns the port value of the tr7_t t or return NULL when t is not a port - TR7_FROM_PORT(p): Returns the tr7_t value of the tr7_port_t p - TR7__PORT__PORT(t): Returns the opaque port of the tr7_t t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_IS_PORT(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Port) #define TR7_TO_PORT(t) ((tr7_port_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_AS_PORT(t) (TR7_IS_PORT(t) ? TR7_TO_PORT(t) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_PORT(p) TR7_FROM_CELL(p) #define TR7__PORT__PORT(c) TR7_PORT__PORT_(TR7_TO_PORT(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of continuations --------------------------- Continuations are used for implementing call/cc. The structure of continuations is made of: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_continuation { tr7_head_t head; tr7_t dynawind; tr7_t stack[]; } *tr7_continuation_t; #define TR7_CELL_IS_CONTINUATION(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND((c), Tr7_Head_Kind_Continuation) #define TR7_CELL_TO_CONTINUATION(c) ((tr7_continuation_t)(c)) #define TR7_IS_CONTINUATION(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Continuation) #define TR7_TO_CONTINUATION(t) ((tr7_continuation_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_FROM_CONTINUATION(c) TR7_FROM_CELL(c) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of closures for lambda and case-lambda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_closure { tr7_head_t head; tr7_t description; tr7_t activation_frames; } *tr7_closure_t; #define TR7_TO_CLOSURE(t) ((tr7_closure_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_IS_LAMBDA(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Lambda) #define TR7_IS_CASE_LAMBDA(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Case_Lambda) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of promises ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_promise { tr7_head_t head; tr7_t code_or_value; tr7_t stlocs; } *tr7_promise_t; #define TR7_IS_PROMISE(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Promise) #define TR7_TO_PROMISE(t) ((tr7_promise_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_PROMISE_FLAG_FORCED TR7_MAKE_HEAD(1,0) #define TR7_PROMISE_FLAG_DELAY_FORCE TR7_MAKE_HEAD(2,0) #define TR7_PROMISE_IS_FORCED(p) (((p)->head & TR7_PROMISE_FLAG_FORCED) != 0) #define TR7_PROMISE_IS_DELAY_FORCE(p) (((p)->head & TR7_PROMISE_FLAG_DELAY_FORCE) != 0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of parameters A parameter has a current value and a converter The head is used only to record the kind ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_parameter { tr7_head_t head; tr7_t value; tr7_t converter; } *tr7_parameter_t; #define TR7_IS_PARAMETER(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Parameter) #define TR7_TO_PARAMETER(t) ((tr7_parameter_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_FROM_PARAMETER(p) TR7_FROM_CELL(p) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of syntax transforms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_transform { tr7_head_t head; tr7_t ellipsis; tr7_t literals; tr7_t rules; tr7_t env; } *tr7_transform_t; #define TR7_IS_TRANSFORM(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Transform) #define TR7_TO_TRANSFORM(t) ((tr7_transform_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_FROM_TRANSFORM(p) TR7_FROM_CELL(p) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of environments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_environment { tr7_head_t head; /* count */ tr7_t lower; /* lower environment */ tr7_t items[]; /* content */ } *tr7_environment_t; #define TR7_IS_ENVIRONMENT(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Environment) #define TR7_TO_ENVIRONMENT(t) ((tr7_environment_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Definition of tr7_record_t -------------------------- Record cells are just like vectors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_vector *tr7_record_t; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros for manipulating records are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #define TR7_CELL_IS_RECORD(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND((c), Tr7_Head_Kind_Record) #define TR7_CELL_TO_RECORD(c) ((tr7_record_t)(c)) #define TR7_IS_RECORD(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_Record) #define TR7_TO_RECORD(t) ((tr7_record_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_AS_RECORD(t) (TR7_IS_RECORD(t) ? TR7_TO_RECORD(t) : NULL) #define TR7_FROM_RECORD(r) TR7_FROM_CELL(r) #define TR7_RECORD_LENGTH(r) TR7_HEAD_UVALUE((r)->head) #define TR7_RECORD_ITEMS(r) ((r)->items) #define TR7_RECORD_ITEM(r,i) (TR7_RECORD_ITEMS(r)[i]) #define TR7_CELL_RECORD_LENGTH(c) TR7_RECORD_LENGTH(TR7_CELL_TO_RECORD(c)) #define TR7_CELL_RECORD_ITEMS(c) TR7_RECORD_ITEMS(TR7_CELL_TO_RECORD(c)) #define TR7_CELL_RECORD_ITEM(c,i) TR7_RECORD_ITEM(TR7_CELL_TO_RECORD(c),i) #define TR7_LENGTH_RECORD(t) TR7_RECORD_LENGTH(TR7_TO_RECORD(t)) #define TR7_ITEMS_RECORD(t) TR7_RECORD_ITEMS(TR7_TO_RECORD(t)) #define TR7_ITEM_RECORD(t,i) TR7_RECORD_ITEM(TR7_TO_RECORD(t),i) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** Defining of foreign pointers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_cptr { tr7_head_t head; /* kind */ void *value; /* the pointer */ tr7_cptr_cb_t marker; /* marker callback */ tr7_cptr_cb_t disposer; /* disposer callback */ } *tr7_cptr_t; #define TR7_CELL_IS_CPTR(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c, Tr7_Head_Kind_CPointer) #define TR7_CELL_TO_CPTR(c) ((tr7_cptr_t)(c)) #define TR7_IS_CPTR(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_CPointer) #define TR7_TO_CPTR(t) ((tr7_cptr_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_AS_CPTR(t) ((tr7_cptr_t)TR7_AS_CELL_KIND(t, Tr7_Head_Kind_CPointer)) #define TR7_FROM_CPTR(f) TR7_TO_CELL(f) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************************************************************** Defining of foreign functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C typedef struct tr7_cfunc { tr7_head_t head; const tr7_C_func_def_t *definition; } *tr7_cfunc_t; #define TR7_IS_CFUNC(t) TR7_IS_CELL_KIND((t), Tr7_Head_Kind_CFunction) #define TR7_TO_CFUNC(t) ((tr7_cfunc_t)TR7_TO_CELL(t)) #define TR7_FROM_CFUNC(f) TR7_TO_CELL(f) #define TR7_CELL_IS_CFUNC(c) TR7_CELL_IS_KIND(c, Tr7_Head_Kind_CFunction) #define TR7_CELL_TO_CFUNC(c) ((tr7_cfunc_t)(c)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C #endif /* _TR7_H */ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Local variables: c-file-style: "k&r" End: vim: noai ts=3 sw=3 expandtab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C